[2.0.28] Vehicles on the Enemy force are remotely driveable by the player

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.28] Vehicles on the Enemy force are remotely driveable by the player

Post by BattleFluffy »

Players can remotely drive vehicles on the "enemy" force by hovering the vehicle in map view, and pressing enter.

I attach a scenario that is suitable for exploring this problem. It's a tiny test world with various vehicles on the "enemy" force.
bug 1.png
bug 1.png (864.12 KiB) Viewed 130 times
To reproduce the bug:

1) Start a new game with the provided test scenario.
2) Go to the map, hover an enemy vehicle with the mouse cursor, then press enter.
3) Observe how you are able to board and drive the spider, the train, and the tank, but not the car.
bug 2.png
bug 2.png (1.1 MiB) Viewed 130 times

4) (For comparison) Come out of map view and try to board the vehicles with your character like normal, you'll be shown the normal (expected) error that it's not allowed to drive enemy vehicles.

The behavior I was expecting is that players should not be able to remotely drive vehicles belonging to a force other than their own.

This bug is likely to cause particular problems for the "pvp" scenario, and it affects my custom scenario too. In any situation where a non-player force has vehicles, this bug would be easy and game-breaking to exploit.
Drive Enemy Vehicles - Bug Demo.zip
(2.29 MiB) Downloaded 9 times
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