Specifically, there was a problem with poisonous barbed barriers
The parameters "collision_mask" and "hidden" stopped working
The task: so that the Character and Enemies can freely pass through the barriers, but during the passage through the barrier, the enemies take damage.
Here is the code that was originally:
Code: Select all
-- require("__My_add_pack__.prototype.barbed-spikes-wooden.effects")
type = "sticker",
name = "wooden-barbed-spike-slowdown-sticker_ke",
flags = { "not-on-map" },
flags = {},
animation =
filename = "__My_add_pack__/graphics/barbed-spikes-wooden/clear.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 2,
height = 2,
frame_count = 1
duration_in_ticks = 100,
target_movement_modifier = 0.5
function data_sheet(inputs)
layers =
filename = "__My_add_pack__/graphics/barbed-spikes-wooden/base.png",
priority = "high",
width = 172,
height = 172,
direction_count = 1,
frame_count = 1,
line_length = 0,
run_mode = inputs.run_mode or "forward",
axially_symmetrical = false,
shift = { 0, 0 },
scale = 0.5
type = "turret",
name = "wooden-barbed-spike",
icon = "__My_add_pack__/graphics/barbed-spikes-wooden/icon.png",
icon_size = 64, icon_mipmaps = 4,
flags = {"placeable-player","not-rotatable","player-creation","not-flammable","hidden"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "wooden-barbed-spike"},
max_health = 56,
corpse = "wooden-barbed-spike-remnants",
dying_explosion = "wall-explosion",
selection_box = {{-1, -1 }, {1, 1}},
collision_box = {{-0.8, -0.8}, {0.8, 0.8}},
collision_mask = {"object-layer","water-tile","resource-layer"},
rotation_speed = 1,
preparing_speed = 1,
walking_speed_modifier = 1.0,
folding_speed = 1.0,
starting_attack_speed = 0.01,
attacking_speed = 1.0,
alert_when_attacking = true,
alert_when_damaged = true,
create_ghost_on_death = true,
folded_animation = data_sheet{direction_count = 8, line_length = 0},
preparing_animation = data_sheet{frame_count=1, line_length = 0},
prepared_animation = data_sheet{},
attacking_animation = data_sheet{},
folding_animation = data_sheet{frame_count=1, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward"},
resistances = {
type = "fire",
percent = 4.0
type = "physical",
percent = 4.0
type = "poison",
percent = 100
type = "explosion",
percent = 4.0
type = "laser",
percent = 4.0
type = "acid",
percent = 4.0
type = "electric",
percent = 100
base_picture =
layers =
filename = "__My_add_pack__/graphics/barbed-spikes-wooden/base.png",
priority = "high",
width = 86,
height = 86,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
frame_count = 1,
shift = { 0, 0 },
hr_version =
filename = "__My_add_pack__/graphics/barbed-spikes-wooden/hr-base.png",
priority = "high",
width = 172,
height = 172,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
frame_count = 1,
shift = { 0, 0 },
scale = 0.5
attack_parameters =
type = "projectile",
ammo_category = "bullet",
cooldown = 0.01,
projectile_creation_distance = 0,
projectile_center = {0, 0},
damage_modifier = 1,
ammo_type =
category = "biological",
action =
type = "area",
radius = 2.0,
action_delivery =
type = "instant",
target_effects =
type = "damage",
damage = {amount = 2.1, type = "physical"}
type = "damage",
damage = {amount = 2.1, type = "poison"}
type = "create-sticker",
sticker = "slowdown-sticker"
type = "create-sticker",
sticker = "wooden-barbed-spike-slowdown-sticker_ke"
range = 2.00,
min_range = 0,
call_for_help_radius = 0,
Code: Select all
flags = {"placeable-player","not-rotatable","player-creation","not-flammable","hidden"},
collision_mask = {"object-layer","water-tile","resource-layer"},
Code: Select all
flags = {"placeable-player","not-rotatable","player-creation","not-flammable"},
hidden = true,
collision_mask = {layers = {item = true, meltable = true, object = true, player = true, water_tile = true, is_object = true, is_lower_object = true}},
It also shows an error:
4.822 Error ModManager.cppError while loading entity prototype "wooden-barbed-spike" (turret): Value must be a dictionary in property tree at ROOT.turret.wooden-barbed-spike.collision_mask
Modifications: My_add_pack