Distribution on Fulgora

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Distribution on Fulgora

Post by PrimeEagle »

What is the best way to distribute items on Fulgora? One approach was to have a large scrap processing facility on one island that sorts everything. The problem I ran into with that was distributing the results to other islands. You need something like 12 train stations for that, and I haven't found any islands big enough for that along with the recycle processings.

The other approach is to just send scrap to each smaller mini-factory island and have them process what they need. The issue with that seems to be a lot of duplicated effort for sorting, voiding, and recycling. And while I don't mind wasting common items like gears, wasting rare things like holmium ore seems wrong when that particular mini-factory doesn't need holmium.

Is there a better approach that I'm missing? I also don't have platforms yet, so some of the islands are too small to even build a single 1-4 train station on as I can't connect rail to/from it due to the deep oil.
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Re: Distribution on Fulgora

Post by Shins »

As far you don't need 60 science per second looks like should be enough sort somehow 4 belts of scraps. One bigger island should be enough. It was enough that I could produce rare armor + all production building (eg. 800 rare smelters) usung only recycling materials.
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Re: Distribution on Fulgora

Post by BlakeMW »

Explore and find a really big island to build your factory on. Transport scrap to that really big island.
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Re: Distribution on Fulgora

Post by Orum »

From experience I would say the only scalable way to handle Fulgora is to make a mini factory that can produce everything you'd want. Basically this boils down to the buildings you have to build there (recycler, EMPs), a few intermediate products (holmium plate, superconductors, etc.), and stuff to launch rockets, including at least one silo per mini factory. The just copy/paste as many as you can fit on the largest island you can find for now.

Don't worry if you don't have a massive island early on though, as later on you'll just pave over the ocean anyway and make one giant island.
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Re: Distribution on Fulgora

Post by NineNine »

I haven't figured that out yet, either. I'm packed onto two islands, but it's big enough to produce a little bit of the hot pink science.

When I need to expand, I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do. I think I'm going to have to leapfrog from island to island by train (I also don't have room for any kind of hub). And, since the wires won't reach, I guess each island will have it's own intermittent power supply? That's my best guess right now. It's a really interesting challenge.
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Re: Distribution on Fulgora

Post by Khazul »

I have played a couple of worlds and each seems to have one big island for use as a main base, so I just use trains to bring everything there. It may be awkward until you have deep ocean pillars unlocked or you may get lucky and be able to reach at least some islands with default raised rails.

It may take some exploration initially to find the big island.
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