You always thought the basic mining drill is to slow? me too !
This Mod adds 5 new tiers of the mining drill, increasing its speed and area of effect.
You are also someone who likes to store incredible amounts of resources? then this is your Mod!
With this mod you can box ores. 50 x iron ore = 1 x boxed iron ore (stack size x100)
This results in an storage of for example 50(normal stack size) x 100 (compressed) x 48 (chest slots) = 240.000 iron ore per chest
New Recipes.
New Version 1.0.3 (28.03.2015)
Only use the new version if you plan to create a new game because your old stacks may get destroyed.
- Iron plate stack size back to standard (200 -> 100)
- Copper plate stack size back to standard (200 -> 100)
- increased compression and decompression cooldowns
- creating stacks now requires an iron box (5 iron plates)
- no more handcrafting stacks/piles
- Removed Miner 4/5/6
- added Research for storage recipes
- added small iron stack to increase belt throughput (5->1)
- added small copper stack to increase belt throughput (5->1)
- added Eco Mining Drill (Low power usage, as fast as lvl 2 Mining Drill)
- added Deep Mining Drill (Higher mining power, used for hard ores, greatly reduced area of effect)
- created a hell lot of new icons