[2.0.23]"All request satisfied" mouse over tooltip when traveling show all planet request instead of selected planet sch

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[2.0.23]"All request satisfied" mouse over tooltip when traveling show all planet request instead of selected planet sch

Post by Sworn »

Space Age, 2.0.23 b80769

Minor bug on "All request satisfied" mouse over tooltip when traveling, it shows all planet request instead of selected planet schedule.
On the schedule we already have the planet, it should be passed as a filter to the function that builds this tooltip.

Can see here, it is showing items that are being requested from Aquilo and Fulgura, even though selected schedule where the mouseover is, comes from Vulcanus.
12-13-2024, 10-25-23.png
12-13-2024, 10-25-23.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 154 times
It should filter out only what is actually being requested at the scheduled planet when mouseover it, just like it does with the actual condition when waiting on the planet.

The condition works just fine, it is just the tooltip that is misleading as it does not respect the same rules as the ship does.
I almost open a different bug thinking it would wait for all planets request to be fulfilled, which would make zero sense.
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