Question about ship delivery

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Long Handed Inserter
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Question about ship delivery

Post by Rylant »

Hey all,

So here is my situation, I am probably making this more complicated than I need to.

I currently have Science being produced on Fulgora, Vulcanus, Gleba and Aquilo and it is automatically being shipped to Nauvis for research (And Space Science). My landing pad at Nauvis requests each type of science pack, and has 5 different inserters with each one filtered specifically to grab out that specific science from the landing pad, and send it on a belt off to the science storage / research place. My landing pad is also requesting other things such as Superconductors, Bioflux, Carbon Fiber, etc. I have a 6th inserter blacklisting those 5 sciences and inserting everything else into an active provider chest, which then gets botted off to my storage for sorting.

I am now in a situation where all of my ships are fusion powered, and I want my Aquilo Science delivery ship also pick up and drop off Fusion Power Cells as it makes its rounds, and drop them at Nauvis so that other ships who don't regularly go to Aquilo, can stock up on fuel when they are at Nauvis. The issue is, that the Aquilo ship drops off all of the Fusion Power Cells at Nauvis and doesn't save any for its own use. I have the Nauvis pad requesting Cells and the Aquilo ship staying there until it has delivered everything, and then it returns to Aquilo. This means the ship delivers all of the Fusion Power Cells without saving any for itself.

So, is there a way to have the Aquilo Ship drop all of the Fusion Power Cells except 50 or 100 which it can save? I am not the best with these type of circuits. I typically have the landing pad requesting everything and sending them off to active provide chests, and the delivery ship waiting until the requests are fulfilled. I also noticed that the Landing pad keeps requesting the fuel cells from the other ships that stop by, which of course, I don't want.

So is there any way to set up circuits so that the Nauvis Landing Pad requests everything over 100 in the ship? That way it will leave 100 Fuel Cells in every ship, but request everything else.

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Question about ship delivery

Post by jdrexler75 »

Not directly, but you can limit how many of them Nauvis requests. Either enable/disable the fusion cell request when you have enough in storage, or just keep them stockpiled in the landing pad and don't take them out until they're needed.

Then the ship won't try to fill up your entire storage chest.
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Re: Question about ship delivery

Post by Junorus »

Store some on belt on ship. Witch stack inserters you can have like 32 items/1 belt.
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