[2.0.23] Crash "SDL Error: [Couldn't load font..." (VideoBitmapOpenGL::generateTextureObject)

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:49 pm

[2.0.23] Crash "SDL Error: [Couldn't load font..." (VideoBitmapOpenGL::generateTextureObject)

Post by AndrijZyn »

Code: Select all

   0.000 2024-12-11 17:42:36; Factorio 2.0.23 (build 80769, linux64, steam, space-age)
   0.000 Operating system: Linux
   0.000 Initializing Steam API.
   0.000 Program arguments: "/home/andrijzyn/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio" 
   0.000 Config path: /home/andrijzyn/.factorio/config/config.ini
   0.000 Read data path: /home/andrijzyn/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.000 Write data path: /home/andrijzyn/.factorio [230313/327454MB]
   0.000 Binaries path: /home/andrijzyn/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.023 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4005U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 7862 MB]
   0.027 Display options: [FullScreen: true] [VSync: true] [UIScale: manual-pixels (125.0%)] [Native DPI: true] [Screen: 255] [Special: lmw] [Lang: en]
   0.091 Video driver: wayland
   0.091 Available displays: 1
   0.091  [0]: Built-in display - {[0,0], 1366x768, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, 60Hz}
   1.068 Initialised OpenGL:[0] Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 (HSW GT2); driver: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.3.1-arch1.2
   1.068   [Extensions] s3tc:yes; KHR_debug:yes; ARB_clear_texture:yes, ARB_copy_image:yes, ARB_pipeline_statistics_query:yes, ARB_gl_spirv:yes, ARB_ES2_compatibility:yes
   1.068   [Version] 4.6
   1.089 Graphics settings preset: integrated-gpulow
   1.089   Dedicated video memory size 1536 MB (detected from Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 (HSW GT2); VendorID: 0x8086; DeviceID: 0x a16)
   1.182 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality]
   1.182                   [Max threads (load/render): 32/4] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: false] [Rotation quality: low] [Other: sTDCwtl] [B:0,C:50,S:105]
   1.242 [Audio] Driver:pulseaudio, Device:Default device, Depth:16, Frequency:44100, Channels:2, Interpolation:linear
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag expansion-shaders = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag freezing = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag quality = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag rail-bridges = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag segmented-units = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag space-travel = true
   1.753 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag spoiling = true
   5.681 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   5.740 Loading mod base 2.0.23 (data.lua)
   6.149 Loading mod elevated-rails 2.0.23 (data.lua)
   6.221 Loading mod quality 2.0.23 (data.lua)
   6.259 Loading mod space-age 2.0.23 (data.lua)
   6.982 Loading mod base 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
   7.049 Loading mod quality 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
   7.117 Loading mod space-age 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
   7.381 Checksum for core: 2271797277
   7.381 Checksum of base: 2653859856
   7.381 Checksum of elevated-rails: 2929976872
   7.381 Checksum of quality: 1943953612
   7.381 Checksum of space-age: 3216146193
   8.428 Prototype list checksum: 1564524375
   8.543 Loading sounds...
   9.662 Info PlayerData.cpp:68: Local player-data.json unavailable
   9.662 Info PlayerData.cpp:71: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1733860075
   9.670 Post-data load graphics options: [Light occlusion: YES]
  10.291 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  10.489 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16360) [none]
  10.693 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16380) [none]
  10.931 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16368) [none]
  11.044 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x12180) [none]
  11.097 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x8392) [decal]
  11.345 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16384) [low-object]
  11.350 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x1088) [low-object]
  11.444 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x13456) [corpse-decay]
  11.487 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x5596) [none]
  11.488 Created an atlas bitmap (size 1676x79) [not-compressed]
  11.618 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x6096) [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
  12.054 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16320) [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
  12.342 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x4832) [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
  12.395 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x3872) [terrain-effect-map, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
  12.463 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3088) [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
  12.536 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x2576) [mipmap]
  12.551 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x1520) [mipmap]
  12.592 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
  12.660 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
  12.706 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
  13.016 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x3808) [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
  13.127 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x6120) [alpha-mask]
  13.268 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x10960) [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  13.270 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x1312) [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  13.271 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x496) [icon-background, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, ]
  13.271 Loading 3D bitmaps.
  13.766 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  14.048 Parallel sprite loader initialized (threads: 3, bitmaps: 8229)
 187.692 Sprites loaded
 187.969 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [5] of size 16384x16384   
 187.976 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [6] of size 4096x1088   
 188.021 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [10] of size 8192x6096   
 188.243 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [11] of size 16384x16320   
 188.318 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [12] of size 16384x4832   
 188.338 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [13] of size 8192x3872   
 188.350 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [14] of size 4096x3088   
 188.426 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [15] of size 8192x2576   
 188.431 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [16] of size 2048x1520   
 188.443 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [17] of size 4096x3152   
 188.489 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [18] of size 4096x3152   
 188.499 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [19] of size 4096x3152   
 188.521 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [20] of size 8192x3808   
 188.528 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [23] of size 4096x1312   
 188.560 Custom mipmaps uploaded (3203)
 188.608 Video memory usage: 3235.93 MB (Atlases: 3105.63 MB, Textures: 130.30 MB)
 188.842 Factorio initialised
 188.852 Steam Storage Quota: 23797/23841
 189.212 Error CrashHandler.cpp:643: Received 6
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (52): walkStackAndPrintToStream
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (60): Util::printStacktraceToStream(WriteStream&)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/Logger.cpp (334): Logger::writeStacktrace(WriteStream*, StackTraceInfo*)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/Logger.cpp (379): Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (181): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace(CrashHandler::CrashReason)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (644): CrashHandler::commonSignalHandler(int)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (652): CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Graphics/OpenGL/VideoBitmapOpenGL.cpp (74): VideoBitmapOpenGL::generateTextureObject(unsigned char const*, bool)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Graphics/OpenGL/VideoBitmapOpenGL.cpp (24): VideoBitmapOpenGL::VideoBitmapOpenGL(GraphicsInterfaceOpenGL*, unsigned int, unsigned int, MemoryBitmapData const&, bool, BitmapOptions const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Graphics/OpenGL/GraphicsInterfaceOpenGL.cpp (785): GraphicsInterfaceOpenGL::createVideoBitmap(unsigned int, unsigned int, MemoryBitmapData const&, bool, BitmapOptions const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/Font/FontStashFactorio.cpp (65): FontStashFont::updateFromDirtyData()
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/Font/FontStashFactorio.cpp (78): FontStashFont::fons_renderDraw(void*, float const*, float const*, unsigned int const*, int)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/libraries/fontstash/fontstash.h (1318): fons__flush
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/libraries/fontstash/fontstash.h (1418): fonsDrawText
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Util/Font/FontStashFactorio.cpp (346): FontStashFont::draw(Color const&, float, float, float, TextAlign, std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> >, Color, float, float, double, VerticalTextAlign)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Graphics/GuiRenderer.cpp (138): GuiRenderer::renderOthers(std::vector<DrawOrder*, std::allocator<DrawOrder*> > const&, Framebuffer&, Framebuffer&) const
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Graphics/GuiRenderer.cpp (87): GuiRenderer::render(Framebuffer&, Framebuffer&) const
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/GlobalContext.cpp (1455): GlobalContext::renderGui()
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/GlobalContext.cpp (1450): GlobalContext::renderGui()
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/MainLoop.cpp (1486): MainLoop::render()
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/MainLoop.cpp (718): MainLoop::mainLoopStep(WorkerThread&, MainLoop::HeavyMode)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/MainLoop.cpp (412): MainLoop::run(Filesystem::Path const&, Filesystem::Path const&, bool, bool, std::function<void ()>, Filesystem::Path const&, MainLoop::HeavyMode)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Main.cpp (1357): fmain(int, char**)
/tmp/factorio-build-hiOryp/src/Main.cpp (1379): main
Stack trace logging done
 193.806 Error Util.cpp:95: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
 194.176 Error MessageDialog.cpp:53: Unable to show message dialog. SDL Error: [Couldn't load font -*-*-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*]
 194.177 Uploading log file
 194.218 Info SystemUtil.cpp:871: Started /home/andrijzyn/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio; trampoline PID: 3617138
(61.65 KiB) Downloaded 5 times
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Factorio Staff
Posts: 5409
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: [2.0.23] Crash "SDL Error: [Couldn't load font..." (VideoBitmapOpenGL::generateTextureObject)

Post by posila »

Hello, you are trying to launch Space Age on high graphics settings on HW which is at (RAM) or bellow (GPU) minimum requriments for Space Age and OpenGL crashed eventually. Does it work if you delete config.ini?
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