Quality Accessibility Proposal: One Machine, Parallel quality

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Quality Accessibility Proposal: One Machine, Parallel quality

Post by Rykuta »

In order to improve the accessibility of the quality feature; what if a crafting machine could just handle each quality as an independent independent parallel recipe with its own storage and progress?

I have dabbled in and out of various topics discussing Quality for a little while now and I've seen a few patterns cropping up between all of them that I decided to dive into a little bit more.

Several threads are discussing the ability to mix and match quality components with different rulesets involved:
116817 , 117524 , 123000 , 122734 ,

A common theme here is that there seems to be a desire to insert higher quality components into lower quality recipes. Some solutions want to simply lose the quality; some want it to be preserved somehow by contributing to the end product quality. But why is there so much of a desire to add this functionality? Well I think this (rather old) thread at this point highlights it somewhat nicely: 119448

To break it down a little bit the core problem can be described as the following:
The need to treat higher quality items as contaminants acts as a deterrent to engaging with the feature fully and adds an accessibility cliff to users who want to fully engage with the feature (since the entire factory has to be tooled in order to handle adding it to anything more than end products.

The easiest way to deal with the above issues currently is to basically just turn your entire base into a bot base and forgo using belts to transport anything more than common materials. However, I am of the opinion that anything bots can do belts should be able to do just as well; the choice to use bots should be a different solution with its own pros and cons, not the obviously better one.

So why not add my feedback to these other threads? Well, my solution is different from the ones I've seen so far even if they try to address similar problems..

Originally I shared a similar viewpoint that a solution to the above would be to just let higher components mesh with lower recipes in some way or another; however at 3AM while lying in bed I found myself dwelling on some comments made about how overhauling the quality system would be prohibitively difficult; likewise another comment about how the idea of losing quality items to low quality recipes was a removed feature was also bouncing around in my head.

And then I got hit with a sudden epiphany. Why does the interaction have to be complicated? Why do you have to actually lose the items outright? What if instead of each machine having to select the exact quality it works on, what if instead it's just a filter on what qualities the machine /CAN/ work on?

What if the machine just had two separate parallel recipes it could accept? No special inventory system, no special mechanics for handling things. Just two separate storages and production bars... Something like:
Draft 1
Draft 1
12-02-2024, 15-14-58.png (91.68 KiB) Viewed 151 times
This way, each recipe gets its own production module bar too so there is no worries about the exploit that was found during early testing where you can wait until the productivity bar is almost to max and then swap out legendary parts.

This first draft interface assumes that the crafting machine can operate on each recipe in parallel; however if we want to maintain existing game balance (one machine per recipe; doing two in one is illegal). We would want an interface that makes it obvious that only one can operate at once:
Draft 2
Draft 2
12-02-2024, 15-15-28.png (84.15 KiB) Viewed 151 times
Draft 3
Draft 3
12-02-2024, 15-15-41.png (85.35 KiB) Viewed 151 times
In this configuration the quality buttons let you change between which recipe/storage "view" the user is in. When opening the machine while it is running it will default to whatever the last quality completed was or the current running one. This way making it obvious only a single thing can work at once.

Priority would be given to higher qualities in this configuration. So if a machine could work on rare or uncommon, it will start with rare until that is exhausted.

You may also notice checkboxes next to each recipe/quality in both views. This is basically the way to set a machine to only attempt to craft certain qualities and not accept ingredients for other ones. This is here such that existing factories still function exactly how they did before (with machines being set to only do common or only do uncommon, etc). It lets you fine tune what machines are allowed to craft what.

Okay so what about existing factory setups? Wouldn't this make them obsolete? No actually and here's why: Productivity modules. If you have an assembling machine accepting all rarities, you are restricted on how many productivity modules you can slap into it. So if you want your legendries with 4 productivities instead of 4 quality modules (duh) you would have to have a separate machine setup for that explicitly. Or if you want your purples to have a split of productivity and quality, etc etc.

* Quality is now more approachable and accessible because the overhead to getting into it fully is lower initially.
* Interface for dealing with quality is more simplified, since machines can just default to doing all the things.
* Existing builds that promote separation of components are still optimal because they can optimize quality modules with productivity modules better than other setups.
* Separation of components with belts is a lot more feasible than before meaning bot strategies are not dominant here.
* Existing functionality (inserters, circuit conditions, etc) can basically operate exactly how they did before.
* Moddability to potentially allow one assembling machine to work multiple recipes??? No idea but could be neat.
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Re: Quality Accessibility Proposal: One Machine, Parallel quality

Post by AileTheAlien »

If you allow machines to store different-quality ingredients, and have separate productivity bars, I don't think you need any checkmarks at all. Since your different qualities of ingredients are coming in on belts, the machines close to the start of the belts will get most of the higher-quality ingredients most of the time, so they'll usually be the ones crafting higher-quality recipes. Occasionally you'll have some inserters that are busy inserting lower-quality ingredients, so the high-quality ingredients slip past, but that just means that a machine one space down the belt is now crafting that one higher-quality recipe instead. (And you could easily split out the quality ingredients, which is basically what we have to do now, but it would be optional instead. 8-))

Also, I don't think you'd actually want to ever set a specific set of qualities on your machine, if the belt has other qualities of ingredients moving past un-handled. You'd end up with high-quality ingredients on the end of the belt, slowly clogging up the whole line until it hits the start of the belt. So you'd either want all machines to handle whatever quality of ingredients is in front of them on the belt, or you'd want to split qualities onto different belts - neither of those needs any UI, because the items on the belt is already the UI. (And requester chests for bot-bases also already have a UI to request specific qualities.)
Last edited by AileTheAlien on Wed Dec 04, 2024 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quality Accessibility Proposal: One Machine, Parallel quality

Post by kitters »

Rykuta wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:21 pm since the entire factory has to be tooled in order to handle adding it to anything more than end products.
That's the whole point of adding this to the game, no?
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