Here is a list:
Most of these would be a simple change with the change from EntityID to EntityIDFilter, similiar to ItemIDFilter.
Or Adding a QualityIDFilter, which would be Quality + Operator.
- BuildEntityAchievementPrototype
Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for to_build. - CombatRobotCountAchievementPrototype
Add a EntityIDFilter, for which robot to count. - ConstructWithRobotsAchievementPrototype
Add a QualityIDFilter. - DeconstructWithRobotsAchievementPrototype
Add a QualityIDFilter. - DontBuildEntityAchievementPrototype
Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for dont_build. - DontUseEntityInEnergyProductionAchievementPrototype
Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for exluded & included. - EquipArmorAchievementPrototype
Change ItemID to ItemIDFilter for armor & alternative_armor. - KillAchievementPrototype
Change EntityID to EntityIDFilter for to_kill & damage_dealer. - ModuleTransferAchievementPrototype
Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for module. - ShootAchievementPrototype
Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for ammo_type. - UseItemAchievementPrototype
Change ItemID to ItemIDFIlter for to_use.