[2.0.21] bots with an insanely high energy buffer never finish charging

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[2.0.21] bots with an insanely high energy buffer never finish charging

Post by Quezler »

noticed this some weeks ago when prototyping stuff, of course you shouldn't actually use this and for the record i am not, but still it is arguably a bug.

robots beyond a certain energy buffer size (somewhere between 1EJ and 1ZJ) are simply unable to finish charging.

to illustrate it i have written demonstration mod that contains several energy tiers all lined up near roboports.

install the mod, create a (50x50) world, and run `/a-bucket-for-monsieur`, you'll see the valid robots wobbling and the higher robots just sipping juice.

a solution would be to make bots with high capacity finish charging somehow (heck, if i recall from my earlier experiments setting the energy to max_energy via script is also insufficient), or another solution would be to just ban flying robot prototypes with energy buffers somewhere above 1 E joule.
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Re: [2.0.21] bots with an insanely high energy buffer never finish charging

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
Personally, I am not fan of setting limits like this, to try to disallow modders from shooting themselves into their foot, because it will reduce posibilities to modders who know what they are doing. Because if you set charging_energy on a Roboport to high enough value (and everything else to make it possible for the Roboport to be able to really give that much energy), your robots should finish charching. And on the other hand, if you set charging_energy to really low value, like 0.0000000000000001J, even robots with energy buffer capacity just 10 J won't finish charging on such roboport.
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Re: [2.0.21] bots with an insanely high energy buffer never finish charging

Post by Rseding91 »

I'm going to agree with Posila and say "don't do that" if you don't want that behavior.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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