Planet's gravity increasing rocket components needed

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Planet's gravity increasing rocket components needed

Post by Clair »

Increasing the number of rocket parts needed based on the planet's gravity, would be an easy to slot-in way to balance producing material on certain planets, like Vulcanus or Gleba.

I *know* internally this had to have been considered. The gravity of the planets matches how easily certain materials can be produced on them, and scale by factors that would make restricting the stack sizes easier. But having different rocket stack limits for each planet would be agony. **But** increasing the amount of rocket parts needed instead is much easier to digest for the player and wouldn't break any existing builds.

As it stands, producing material on Vulcanus or Gleba makes expanding on Nauvis ignorable... which is a shame because expanding to claim further away ore patches on Nauvis is still one of Factorio's more compelling gameplay components.
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Re: Planet's gravity increasing rocket components needed

Post by AileTheAlien »

Seems reasonable to me!

(Although I still intend to abandon Nauvis at the first opportunity. I'm pretty sure I can just manufacture captive biter spawners and uranium fuel there, and export that to Fulgora or Vulcanus, where I want my main base to exist. :lol:)
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Re: Planet's gravity increasing rocket components needed

Post by CyberCider »

As it stands, producing material on Vulcanus or Gleba makes expanding on Nauvis ignorable... which is a shame because expanding to claim further away ore patches on Nauvis is still one of Factorio's more compelling gameplay components.
Yeah, sorry to break the bad news, but…
Earlier and cheaper mining productivity, big mining drills, more productivity at every step of processing, quality… With all of these things combined, Nauvis ores become pretty infinite pretty quickly. I mean, even back in 1.1, only mining productivity was already enough to give megabasers effectively infinite ore.
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Re: Planet's gravity increasing rocket components needed

Post by Milo_Thatch »

I like this, it would also play well with quality silos being more resource efficient.
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