[2.0.20][Space Age?] Crash due to "removed" graphics drivers. (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.20][Space Age?] Crash due to "removed" graphics drivers. (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)

Post by BraveCaperCat »

This screenshot shows everything:
Screenshot 2024-11-23 144201.png
Screenshot 2024-11-23 144201.png (3.36 MiB) Viewed 266 times
I was NOT updating my drivers (I never do that, because driver updates never occur anyway) and could not remove the graphics card/device, labelled as video card in the dialog box. The reason I could not have removed the graphics card/device was because I'm using a laptop, where the graphics card is physically soldered to the motherboard (yes, a lot of complex terms the average Factorio player might not understand, I expect to be talking mostly with developers/people who are in touch with the developers) and can't be removed (without the motherboard being removed, but I think I would have noticed that). All I was doing was being on the main menu (about to close the game) when I went to the factorio forums to post a different bug report, see [Space Age] Recipes with no category have no recycling recipes. When I came back to the game, the above error message had already taken place. This may be a sign of device instability, but since I've never had any other problems with the graphics driver before, and I only got this computer a few months ago... I ruled it out as a (likely) possibility. It's also very likely just a one-time issue which can't be reproduced. (I don't have any set-in-stone reproduction steps, as it happened while on the forums) Just ask me if you need any more specific information about my system. I'm always watching the forums.
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