[2.0.20] Using Alt+Scrollwheel does not change quality in certain fields

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.20] Using Alt+Scrollwheel does not change quality in certain fields

Post by Xenonex »

Playing the current experimental 2.0.20 with Space Age on Steam.

1. What did you do?
I selected an assembler, opened the Circuit Connection tab/window, under the Enable/disable setting I selected the right-hand field (the field to the right of the inequality sign), then held the Alt key while scrolling my mouse scrollwheel both while hovering over or after clicking on a signal corresponding to a game item/entity.

2. What happened?
When I pressed & held Alt and scrolled while just hovering over icons for items/entities, nothing happened. However if I clicked to select a signal for an item/entity and then pressed & held Alt, I could see that behind the window the Alt-mode display of the game would toggle off & on each time I pressed Alt.

3. What did you expect to happen instead?
I expected pressing & holding Alt while scrolling to on the right-hand side of the Circuit Connection Enable/disable inequality to function the same as the left hand side of the inequality, where it changes the quality of the selected/hovered item/entity up or down. Notably, doing the exact same thing (Alt+scrolling while hovering/selecting an item/entity signal on the right-hand side of the Enable/disable inequality) but in the Logistic Connection tab/window does work as expected,

4. Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
This seems to happen each time, both in remote view or in person.

I did see some other bug reports related to alt+scrolling not adjusting quality, however the situation / circumstances all seemed to be a bit different than this one.

Here is a screenshot showing the relevant tabs/windows open. The issue only seems to happen in the field currently highlighted in yellow (the right-hand side of the Circuit Connection Enable/disable inequality)
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Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:47 am

Re: [2.0.20] Using Alt+Scrollwheel does not change quality in certain fields

Post by Xenonex »

Loewchen wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2024 11:09 pm 121609
Yes, I had looked at that bug report (and a few similar ones) before submitting mine, but while they both involve the Alt+scroll shortcut not changing quality, they seem to be different problems (or at least have different causes).

In that bug report's case, the issue happens in widgets/windows that are capable of scrolling (to see the rest of the widget/window that can't fit to be displayed all at once). In that situation there seems to be some conflict with the scrollwheel wanting to both scroll the widget/window and also change quality while holding Alt.

In my case, the window with the issue is not capable of scrolling, so there is no potential conflict with the scrolling action. Furthermore, doing the exact same steps but from the Logistics Connection window instead of the Circuit Connection window does work, even though the "Select a Signal" window is identical in both cases.

This doesn't appear to be a duplicate, as far as I can tell. Presumably, fixing the problem where Alt+scrolling conflicts with scrolling inside a scrollable widget/window wouldn't necessarily also fix this particular issue.
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