[Lou][2.0.17] placing Blueprint shift/brute force doesn't work on "fake" Aquilo?

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[Lou][2.0.17] placing Blueprint shift/brute force doesn't work on "fake" Aquilo?

Post by Icicubes »

20241113161331_1.jpg (550.3 KiB) Viewed 318 times
I can not place the Blueprint or copy paste down using shift or brute force on this fake Aquilo surface? weird.
Space Age Blueprint Lab.zip
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Re: [Lou][2.0.17] placing Blueprint shift/brute force doesn't work on "fake" Aquilo?

Post by Lou »

Thank you for the report. This seems to be the same behavior as 118642

In this specific case, there are 3 different tiles that need to have their non-default cover (like concrete) placed at least once "manually" (could be just ghost cursor or blueprint with explicit tiles, just not autofilled): ice platfrom, smooth ice and rough ice. Before you do that, the game does not know which of the possible cover tiles to choose and super-forcing fails.
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