Hide Buffer Chest requests from Roboports

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Hide Buffer Chest requests from Roboports

Post by Riyshn »

Hide Buffer Chest requests from the signal put out by a Roboport in "Read logistic network requests" mode.

Nearly all of these requests being sent to this Cargo Landing Pad are from buffer chests; none of the the Buffer requests would I actually want platforms dropping items to fulfill.
image_2024-11-12_224456149.png (322.12 KiB) Viewed 410 times
Buffer Chest's primary use is controlling where in a factory specific items are stored in the factory, for purposes like minimize robot travel time or bringing lower tier belts/assemblers back to a mall to be upcycled to higher tier versions. These tend to be use cases that benefit from setting large values on the request. When using a Roboport in "Read logistic network requests" mode, all of these requests can get passed on as unfulfilled. This interacts poorly with setting a Cargo Landing Pad with a "Set requests" circuit connection, as now it will try to request potentially all items in your planet-side mall right back from a platform you're trying to actively build.
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Re: Hide Buffer Chest requests from Roboports

Post by SupplyDepoo »

+1, a checkbox whether to include buffer chest contents would work for me. It would be useful also on any logistic condition (on inserters, drills, etc) to control amount in the network available to requester chests (request from buffer chests disabled to prevent infinite loop).
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Re: Hide Buffer Chest requests from Roboports

Post by bullipatty »

+1. + we also need to be able to read logistic network contents without buffers too :idea:
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Re: Hide Buffer Chest requests from Roboports

Post by Tinyboss »

That also tripped me up. In my mind, buffer chest contents should count as "available".

But it could be confusing the other way, too. Why is this blue chest not getting items when the network contains plenty? Sure, you can just click the checkbox to request from buffer chests. But that might not be very clear to everyone.
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