Very Endgame setup - Promethium, Interplanetary logistics and Planet specialization

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Burner Inserter
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Very Endgame setup - Promethium, Interplanetary logistics and Planet specialization

Post by Gust »


I wanted to ask everyone, how their endgame interplanetary logistics network looks like.
I mean, automated Promethium mining stage (I am around 80 promethium science packs produced per minute on average atm, with 2k other science per minute).

Do you have a central hub for everything? Do you produce locally and haul materials to the hub? Or you haul only endgame stuff?

My setup is this:
Navius is still a central hub with 80% of production, with a dedicated ship going to every planet dropping essentials and bringing back whatever is produced there. The reason for Navuis as a Hub is easy - only this planet has a lot of free empty space. Others dont.

Space platforms for me produce only White science and the last Promethium science.
Vulcanus provides Science, Tungsten, Calcite, Green belts and a bit of Green circuits.
Fulgora exports Science, Holmium plates, Superconductors, Quality modules, Red\Blue circuits, Quality modules and some batteries.
Gleba provides Science, Carbon Fiber, Stack inserters, Plastic, LDS and also Green and Red ciruits. I actually have trouble with using up all the infinite ores on this planet.
Aquilo exports Science, Railguns, Foundations, Fusion cells and Quantum processors.
Navius does actual science and produces everything else including all other modules, cliff explosives. All the Biter stuff is here. Nuclear is here. Most of the quality gambling is here.
I also use Navius to produce ammo and supplies for Promethium miner. Promethium mining ship resupplies on Navius and comes back here to drop all the chunks.

Ok, so this setup has a problem for me.
My Navius currently has 13 non-stop fully sped up rockets launching as fast as animations allow. This is more than 500 rocket parts per minute.
But due to the fact that I cannot control the priority of which ship or platform is currently resupplied in space, I have a major problem when multiple ships arrive. It seems that game uses some sort of LIFO method (Last in First out) for choosing which ship or platform will get a supply rocket.
Therefore if a new ship comes, it stops supplying my non-moving platforms at all and focuses on sending rockets only to newly arrived ship. And if 2+ ships arrive simulteniously, this becomes a chaos.
Also, when my Promethium miner arrives, everything else litterally stops for 20 min, because it needs to resupply 20k rockets, 20k gun ammo and 2k railgun shells. And yes, this is partly done in a form of resources to craft "on-site", but I still send uranium ammo, high quality rockets and quite a lot of copper and explosives. And I have no option to deprioritize this resupply, other than forcing the promethium ship to travel elsewhere manually. And I did not find the way to do it automatocally yet (i.e. sending one ship away to let another one get supplied first) .

What are you thoughts and your setup on this?
Do you just build 50 rockets and speed it up?
Do you craft all promethium science on your miner ship without sending chunks anywhere?
Or you just force promethium ship to resupply itself without support from the ground?
Or do you just resupply the Promethium ships on another planet? But this one will still result in problems anyway when 2 ships will come to that another planet simulteniously.
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Re: Very Endgame setup - Promethium, Interplanetary logistics and Planet specialization

Post by mmmPI »

My promethium miners makes their own ammo for theirs guns, so they only need eggs launch from Nauvis or stuff for repair, they stop at Aquilo for the quantum processor and railgun repair with eggs on their way to shattered planet, and they come back when they have a lot of asteroid, (condition on schedule) ( which happens after they transformed all the egg in science ), when they arrive in Nauvis, they drop their science, and start receiving shipment of eggs until they have no more asteroids left and no science anymore, and they start over.

Then it start to diverge between what i've decided to do, and what i would recommend as more efficient. x)

I have a map currently where :

Nauvis only makes yellow science.
Fulgora makes its own science
Aquilo makes its own science
Gleba makes legendary blue science and its own science.
Vulcanus makes all the other ( red green purple miliary ) science packs and its own.

1 large ship that carry around 100K science pack ( 25K each) from Vulcanus to Nauvis.
1 large ship that carry the science from Gleba around 16K gleba science and 6-8K legendary blue and some legendary bots or rocket turret and other gleba-only things.
2 small ships for Fulgora, one for Fulgora science , one for legendary things because i make a lot of them there and also some things like EM plant.
2 small ships for Vulcanus one for Vulcanus science, one for legendary things because i make some of them there an things like Foundries.
1 large ship that goes to all planets picking up stuff that Aquilo need ( green belt from Vulcanus, EM plant from fulgora and so on ... and picks up science when at aquilo to drop it on Nauvis).

Global stats says : 500 rocket parts per minutes over the last 50 hours, science consumption 1.5K packs per minute or so, which leads 14k science per minute due to the productivity research and biolabs and the fact that researching productivity on research is slower than other tech. around 450 science pack promethium are produced per minute but the ships sometimes are idle because another tech is being researched like explosive damage or railgun shooting speed.
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