Make blueprints and similar concepts (upgrade planners, deconstruction planners) usable from anywhere regardless of their location.What?
Currently, you can only use blueprints, deconstruction planners and upgrade planners if they are physically in your inventory.Allow them to be used (and bound to shortcuts) regardless of their position in the world.
So, for example, if you remote view a chest and it has a blueprint inside it, you should be allowed to use it, or add it to your quickbar and have it be accessible.
Even better, decouple them from the inventory system altogether.
The limitation of not being allowed to bring items on a space platform makes interacting with blueprints, upgrade planners etc. very annoying, because your two options are:- Laboriously send a rocket containing your blueprints along with you when traveling to another planet via space platform.
- Re-create your blueprints on the new planet, keep a separate list of blueprints on each planet.
Therefore I propose to make them accessible regardless of where they currently are.