Spaceships =/= boats

Which is not fixed, but actually increases on the first half of the journey (and decreases on the second half ?) if your fuel production is slow enough !Right now, to get from A to B, you effectively need X fuel.
(Especially as the number of platform you manage grows ?)Daid wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:36 am [...]
Note that I've tried Newtonian physics in my own space game, and the problem quickly becomes that a major part of the gameplay then becomes about managing that, instead of the other gameplay you envision for your game. Speeds can go off the charts, causing all kinds of other problems.
Oh, the position of asteroids probably should not change, but maybe their rotation could !BlueTemplar wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 11:59 am [...]
And maybe in deep space when reversing course there should be some kind of «flashing horizontal streaks» animation for the background, even if nothing else (like interactable asteroid position) changes ?
I think you mean accelerating away from where you're going in order to decelerate?Regarding constant speed - realistically you have two stages of a space trip, acceleration and deceleration (maybe three if you count coasting). Basically you speed up until half way then you flip the ship and start accelerating towards wherever you're going.
And, taking into account the context of your previous phrase, decelerating. (Which you do mention later.)Accelerating would be where the fuel would be consumed [...]
Like you point it out later :Also, keep in mind that to get to Mars under constant 1g acceleration would take 4 days and 17 hours.