The train has following conditions for waiting:
- Full cargo
- Has cargo
- Empty cargo
- Item count
Then, when "Item count" is selected, it once again says "Cargo" on the condition card.
It should consistently say "Item count", or "Item count" should be renamed to be consistent with other cargo conditions.
[2.0.15] Small text inconsistency with train "Item count" vs "Cargo"
Re: [2.0.15] Small text inconsistency with train "Item count" vs "Cargo"
For completeness: fluids are also part of cargo. So there is "item count" and "fluid count" both being a subset of "has cargo".
Re: [2.0.15] Small text inconsistency with train "Item count" vs "Cargo"
The distinction feels somewhat arbitrary so it feels like those could both be rolled together, as well.
I understand that they are separate things on a technical level, but they feel similar enough that they should be handled invisibly under the hood, rather than presenting the player with distinct options.
I will make a suggestion thread about that.