[pard] [2.0.16] Gained unearned achievements after update from 2.0.15

Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2024 10:44 pm

[pard] [2.0.16] Gained unearned achievements after update from 2.0.15

Post by ephraim242 »

- What did you do?
Updated from 2.0.15 to 2.0.16 and booted up the game
- What happened?
I gained 9 or 10 achievements when the menu loaded. Some may have been achieved in the past, but some are new to the expansion and have definitely not been earned yet. For example, I now have the 60k km traveled achievement, but not the 10k or 30k, and I have yet to even travel to Aquilo.
- What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Not to gain achievements which I have not earned
- Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Sometimes, it happened on my first main save load into .16 and the first, but not second, time I tried to reproduce it

If you can reproduce the issue, provide the exact steps!
Downgrade/start on version 2.0.15
Start the game on Steam and maximize the window so it's full screen
Start a new game, tweak the ore settings a little bit, start the game
Play for a little bit, I earned the steam power and assembly machine achievements
Save and press Exit/Quit until the game is closed
Upgrade to 2.0.16
When the menu loads... random achievements! Steam pops them up immediately, but they are being gained in game as well

Provide Attachments
Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 5.41.24 PM.png
Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 5.41.24 PM.png (1.03 MiB) Viewed 154 times
Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 12.53.39 PM.png
Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 12.53.39 PM.png (97.17 KiB) Viewed 154 times
Log file is attached, I don't believe the specific save game has any effect given that it happened on 2 different saves, and the effects are seen before choosing a game to load. No mods or cheats have been used either time it happened.
(8.75 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
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