[2.0.13] Space platform cannot zoom/scroll to ghost on the edge

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Manual Inserter
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[2.0.13] Space platform cannot zoom/scroll to ghost on the edge

Post by manni »

I am currently building a huge space platform (Orbital collector).

But Houston, we have a problem.

I can not zoom into the edge of the platform when these edges consist of ghost space platform elements.

Zoomed out.
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.02.59.png
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.02.59.png (5.31 MiB) Viewed 691 times
Zoomed in to the top and I can not further up.
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.02.59.png
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.02.59.png (5.31 MiB) Viewed 691 times
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.03.14.png
Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 00.03.14.png (3.39 MiB) Viewed 691 times
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Re: [2.0.13] huge space platform can not zoom into edges

Post by StrangePan »

Sorry, but this is working as intended. As tiles are constructed, your range of visibility will be increased. The reasoning is that, like radar ghosts, space platform tile ghosts cannot provide visibility as they do not yet exist.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [2.0.13] huge space platform can not zoom into edges

Post by manni »

Thank you for the explanation. Makes sense.
Then this is not a bug :-)
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Re: [2.0.13] Space platform cannot zoom/scroll to ghost on the edge

Post by aljo »

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I strongly disagree with the idea that this is correct behavior. Or at least, how it's conveyed to the player. If this is intended, then this should work like radar does, where the land (space) is hidden beyond radar range. Right now, if I'm planet-side, and I place a radar down, I cannot see beyond the radar range *at all* in remote view. I see right up to the edge, then it goes into hidden/map mode. If I place a blueprint, I can't even see the blueprint was placed. However, if I'm in space view, and then I place a large blueprint or something, I can see the entire blueprint/ghost if I scroll out (without going into the map-like view, where it behaves like it does planet-side, and does not show the full ghost), but I cannot zoom in/pan to the edges. This is *not* like radars. So, it ends up feeling like a bug, rather than intended behavior.

So, personally, I'd really recommend either letting ghosts extend the visible/pannable range (this would be my preference, I don't really see a point in limiting the player from at least viewing the full ghost, it's not like there are resources or enemy bases they can cheat and peek at using this approach, it's just empty space), or hide the range that cannot be zoomed in on when zoomed out like it does planet-side, so that it doesn't quite feel...broken.

Edit: Actually, thinking this through a bit more, since there's no player character, you *have* to be able to see everything, it can't go into map view beyond visual range since you can't walk over to see it and clear it (I assume that's why it's like this to begin with). So then I'd actually only recommend that ghosts simply extend visual range.

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