[2.0.14] Construction robots can try to carry themselves to the logistics storage in remote view

We are aware of them, but do not have solutions that don't cause other issues. They go here in order not to take space in the main bug thread list.
Burner Inserter
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[2.0.14] Construction robots can try to carry themselves to the logistics storage in remote view

Post by bam13302 »

Reproduction Steps:
1. Setup a roboport network that includes at least 1 construction robot and a storage chest at a minimum. (1 construction robot will have a 100% chance of reproducing)
2. Open a roboport's inventory that has some construction robots using remote view.
3. Note the number of construction robots in the stack and the number of available construction robots in the roboport network.
4. Click the stack of construction robots to mark it for removal from the roboport.
5. Several of the robots in that stack that was told to be moved to storage will leave the roboport under their own power to try and presumably carry themselves to storage, and will fail as they were not in the roboport to be picked up. They will still fly the route to the storage chest, and animation will play as if they deposited something.
6. Note the new number of construction robots in the network, it will not be the original - the stack as expected.

What did you do?
Told construction robots in a roboport to be moved to storage
What happened?
Some of the construction robots that were told to be moved to storage left of their own power trying to complete that order.
What did you expect to happen instead?
The construction robots that were told to be moved to storage would be disabled/prevented from executing that order on themselves.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
If the is more than one construction robot in the network, there is a chance depending on construction robot logic that construction robots not ordered to be moved to storage will complete the order instead. Alternatively, if robot carry capacity has been researched and there is more than one robot ordered to be moved into storage, only some will leave in the attempt to carry themselves.

Additional comment, the Red X will persist sometimes (100% in the 1 construction robot scenario) until the roboport inventory interface is closed and reopened.

Save file:
Save file that I used to create the reproduction steps
(1.41 MiB) Downloaded 29 times
Created using the sandbox mod, though initial identification of the bug did not use any mods (outside of base and the space age DLC "mods").

Log file from that save and reproduction steps:
Log file
(7.59 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
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Re: [2.0.14] Construction robots can try to carry themselves to the logistics storage in remote view

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, I'm moving this to minor issues. What is your use case?
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:09 pm

Re: [2.0.14] Construction robots can try to carry themselves to the logistics storage in remote view

Post by bam13302 »

Genhis wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:51 pm Thanks for the report, I'm moving this to minor issues. What is your use case?
I was trying to remotely remove all the non quality construction robots from my roboports on aquilo as with the increased energy drain they were more hindrance than help, got most of them before this bug became obvious. Ended up having to put a filter inserter by the roboports near storage to get the ones that tried to carry themselves.
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