Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

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Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by Viidi »

Currently, the loader ignores the filter if it is directed to chest. Everything that coming up on the belt gets into the chest, despite the filters.
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by posila »

Such filter makes no sense to me, as the first item that doesn't match the filter would just stop entire transport line
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by DeadMG »

That may be preferable to loading the item into the chest. If you load the wrong item into a train buffer, it can spread wrongness throughout your factory, instead of capping it at the location it originated from.
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by Viidi »

I like to play using logical networks as much as possible.

There is a MiniLoaders mod that supports such filters. And here's how I used them.

Reading is enabled on the belt.
On loaders - Set filters.

Using the MiniLoaders filters, this allowed us to load a little of what comes to the belt into the chest, despite what goes there. And even if on different sides of the belt.

You can't do this with Loaders right now.

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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by DeadMG »

I actually just encountered this issue myself; the use case was a loader at the end of a belt into an AP chest, filtered to spoilage. The loader actually loaded unspoiled items too.
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by Sworn »

posila wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:57 am Such filter makes no sense to me, as the first item that doesn't match the filter would just stop entire transport line
how would that make no sense? Adding a filter to it will do exactly that, block the belt.
But if you ignore that for a second, it just makes it align with the rest of the game, where filters are respected.
Why in the world would we have a filter option that doesn't work.

Having a filter and not respecting it is what make no sense.
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by posila »

Oh, I was not aware loaders have filters now. Ok, that's kind of shitty they are not respected for loading to chest.

And I accept there are use cases for it. From my perspective, it's like 90 degree inserter - there are use cases for it, but you can solve the problem differently (in case of loader, one can put splitter with filter in front of it)
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by Viidi »

That's what you have to do. But they take up space and require manual configuration. And the diagram I gave above does not require any additional configuration. What you feed to the tape will be in the box in small quantities.

I generally get pleasure not so much from going through the story, but from coming up with all sorts of lazy schemes. Therefore, every little thing is important.

I hope the "in the chest" filters will work one day :)

Translated by google.
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Re: Enable the filter for the loader directed to chest

Post by boskid »

Scope creep is strong. First loaders only had filters for output only and they rejected opening gui if they were input loaders, but circuit control was added so gui has to open regardless if its input or output and now people want loaders to support the other case. I will consider that since its a change in area i am maintaining right now (circuit network), however this change may be breaking for existing save files if someone has input loaders with leftover filters and they would start having an effect, so a migration here woukd be added to clear all filters from input loaders when loading save files before this change.

-- edit: (whispering some weird incantation two point zero point seventeen)
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