[2.0.14] Demolisher with Concave Area Taking Route trough "Safe Territory"

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.14] Demolisher with Concave Area Taking Route trough "Safe Territory"

Post by Creeek »

I am not entirely sure if this really is a Bug, but to me it feels not really intentional.
What did you do?
I built my Base on Vulcanus on Safe Area, which was next to a really concave formed Destroyer Area.
When placing one electrical Pole in its Area, it choose the longest path routing trough my Base, just to F* with me.
What happened?
The Destroyer took the path which to me seemed like the longest possible path it could take.
Worm Path.png
Worm Path.png (563.13 KiB) Viewed 181 times
(I marked the Path it took in Blue)

It was not "aggroed" on me, as can be seen here:
Bug1.png (6.9 MiB) Viewed 181 times
It travelled from the bottom right corner of its area to the upper left corner.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
For it to take a shorter Path, which would not lead trough my entire Base. Or at least it being disincentivized to not take 99% of the path trough my territory.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
I replaced the Pole it destroyed and waited to see if it would take the same Path again, but it didn't, I guess since it was already in the Top Area of its Territory, and before it was in the bottom.
(13.54 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
(24.14 MiB) Downloaded 15 times
Bug2.png (556.62 KiB) Viewed 181 times
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