Creating a surface without a player leads to weird map generation

Things that has been reported already before.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Creating a surface without a player leads to weird map generation

Post by lightdark »

When a space platform first arrives in orbit over a planet, the planet is added to the list on the surface view, but the map is entirely black, indicating that it's not been seen. Normally, you just send a player to the planet first in this case, and you can see the planet that way, and it's fine.

But, you can also drop things down to the planet if you don't have a player, and this leads to weird effects: the map remains black, but it's clear that the chunks were generated, since you get alerts about unclaimed drop pods. In these alerts, you can see the generated map like a normal radar view, but the surface view is still black.

I'm not sure what the desired behaviour would be here— presumably, it's intentional that the planet is black until you visit it, but I'm not sure whether that means the radar view for unclaimed drop pod items should be black as well. Maybe, drop pods shouldn't be allowed until you've sent a player to view a planet, but that also feels weird.

This definitely feels like some kind of a bug, though, that I can get a radar view from the alert and not on the surface view. Those two should at least match.

Example screenshot of the radar view for the alert:
Screenshot From 2024-11-02 20-23-03.png
Screenshot From 2024-11-02 20-23-03.png (1.38 MiB) Viewed 257 times
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:02 am

Re: Creating a surface without a player leads to weird map generation

Post by lightdark »

I'm going to just assume that this is the same as 121029, especially since I didn't supply a save file showing this inconsistency and can't really check if it was fixed. If I find this is still present when I visit Aquilo, I'll file a new bug.
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