This was the code that was producing the issue:
Code: Select all
function string:split(inSplitPattern)
local outResults = {}
if not self or self == "" then
return outResults
local str = ""
for i = 1, #self do
local char = self:sub(i, i)
if char == inSplitPattern then
outResults[str] = true
str = ""
str = str ..char
outResults[str] = true
return outResults
Code: Select all
@Unlimited-Resources-Oil-Refresh-Cargo-Ship-Compat/data-final-fixes.lua:42: InfiniteOreResources (7 items): {
calcite = true,
coal = true,
["copper-ore"] = true,
["iron-ore"] = true,
stone = true,
["tungsten-ore"] = true,
["uranium-ore"] = true
Code: Select all
@Unlimited-Resources-Oil-Refresh-Cargo-Ship-Compat/data-final-fixes.lua:42: InfiniteOreResources (7 items): {
In the end, despite everything we tried, we couldn't figure out why his lua produced different results and sometimes crashed when using an attempted patch that worked fine for me.