[YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

I've asked repeatedly and you've told me repeatedly but for some reason when the time comes it flies straight out of my head. I'm going to write it in big letters ahead of the next recording (we've got 6 episodes queued up so expect more manual labour before then) and use it extensively while praising your existence.

The smart factory setup is really basic right now, but my hope is to be able to rig it in the right way that all components and materials are available on demand - there should never be a point where an assembler is waiting for resources, and at the same time we should be over-buffering to make the only saving in conveyor use. That furnaces are automatically disengaging is saving us plenty of power but the approach right now is still a bit sloppy.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

well, the approach you have for the ore output would do what you're looking for, though it's going to mean a lot of production delays for anything that costs more than ~700 of either resource. :-/

Also, the buffering into the boxes is intentional? It's been moved from a no idle resources challenge into a no items idling on belts challenge? Just clarifying.
I mean, I can't blame you there, since I thought that challenge was BS to start with. And got shown as such in the first or second episode :P

So, let's see...
  • Challenges
  • 50 labs
    Done but undone. In progress
  • No idle resources
    Was this ever true for the whole factory?
    Boxes apparently don't count here? Failing Miserably
  • No items idling on belts
    Lots of stuff left on the belts still.
    At least there are belts that are empty. In progress
Any I missed?
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Oh so that's how we're rolling is it?

The no resources left includes both boxes and belts and is in progress, but it depends entirely on modernising the rest of the factory so will take a while before it is even remotely accomplished. I'm using the buffer chests at the mines right now for burst output which could just as easily be accomplished with more mines outputting to ground with the smart inserters as rigged currently. The rest will depend on further application of smart inserters and logistics chests for counting/calculation, at which point it'll require either some clever spending to empty all inventories in the late game or simply accepting a 10 resource count for each consumable if I can't be bothered turning things off.

It'll be fun to try at any rate :)
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

Just busting yer chops mate. No hard feelings meant.
Sounds like a good plan. Forumite-approved :lol:
Looking forward to seeing how the execution turns out ;)
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Never take hard feelings, life is far too short for that :)

On a related note, time waits for no man and there are two fresh episodes for you to digest collectively.

In Episode 12.... "wait for it" we finally touchdown with 50 labs online and functioning. This is the cause of great celebration and looks of consternation at our power situation.

This is then followed by Episode 13, "watch the obsessive man move everything by 1 square" which very much demonstrates something that will ring true for many a Factorioist. There's also a quick demonstration of the most rudimentary smart factory system to have ever been designed.

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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

"Have to tear it all down because it didn't turn out even." Never ever thought that to myself at all. :roll: :P
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

It gets worse, and will continue to do so until blue flasks are being made at which point a hammer will be taken to the oil and primary resource systems to make them purr. That, however is still to come.

First up today is Episode 16 : Potato gets covered in oil and we introduce a new member of the team called Quentin.

Once you've recovered from that tune in to Episode 17 more reorganisation where yet more of the existing factory is shredded to make it more effective. Whether it's more effective who knows?

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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Hot on the heels of my previous episode is my next. For reasons as innocuous as Orbital Potato's lack of disk space we have switched out of sequence, so you have the pleasure of once again hitting up Failureville for your next installment.

What rare treats are in store?

Nothing less than the beginnings of converting green flask component parts to the "smart" method. It's exciting stuff is episode 18 and you should stop whatever other plans you had in mind and swing by to check it out immediately.

His channel : Orbital Potato
My channel : Colonel Erasmus Horatio Failure Esq

We've got the next 5-6 episodes in the "can" and ready to roll so expect a veritable flurry of activity.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Having deleted all his childhood memories (a reference to the seminal Johnny Mnemonic there) Orbital Potato once again had disk space enough to allow for some further episodic recording. That's the good news. The bad news, at least for him, is that I've given him the task of making oil production look more attractive which as any Factorio veteran will attest is not the easiest thing to accomplish.

Episode 19 : I sense he's getting bored with oil

We're then back in business almost immediately with further expansion of the smart factory concept and inserters are now receiving the storage limiting treatment ahead of the push to create blue flasks.

Episode 20 : Returning to the point at which we were making green flasks

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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

Oh man, another ratio screwup. :P

Entertaining as always though. :)
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Well now, I've left you for some time in the pursuit of progress. So what have you missed?

#21 : Plastic and oil
#22 : Advanced circuits
#23 : Batteries
#24 : Inserter mass production
#25 : Improved circuit production
#26 : What happens when you switch the power off?
#27 : Rebuilding your factory after biters destroy much of it when the power is off
#28 : Building some actual defenses
#29 : Playing multiplayer with high latency - a cautionary tale

Yes, that's a lot to catch up on so clear the next 3 hours in your schedule and dig in. Alternatively watch episode 27 if you want to facepalm hard.

I'll try to update this a little more often so you don't have a feast of episodes to catch up on every time, but frankly you should be subscribed by now anyway, right?
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

More videos, huzzah!

I'm not overly fond of Google taking note of every video I watch, how I watch it, *insert anti data mining list here* etc etc.
That means I never log in unless there's a very specific and immediate need. Sooo.. looking at channel updates comes few and far between.
But, FWIW, I'll toss another subscription at ya.
A by-name mention? And not an insulting one? Well damn, now you gone and done it. I blushed. :P
You must pay for this. *hunts for sub-optimal playing* :twisted:

Construction bots will deliver to requester chests, assuming they're requesting the item being held, have space available, and haven't met their quota.
I couldn't tell you for certain if there's an order of delivery preference, but I highly suspect it's closest-first.

F5 method? Using entity boxes? That's such a cheat.
But noted ... for less laborious troubleshooting in the future. ;)

1 down, 8 to go!
I don't expect to need to provide much feedback, as you've both shown marked improvements in playing efficiency ;)
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

"hooligan-mobile" :lol:

Another ratio screwup. 1 Sulphur plant to 1 S.Acid plant to 5 Battery plants.

About the only ratios I won't correct you on are the oil ones, as it's a pain in the ass to account for the cracking process.
Oh, And something which will help you figure these ratios out yourself in the future: Nickasaurus' Foreman
It's even better than me, because I refuse to try and put relative numbers to the oil refining and cracking process, since I wouldn't be able to recalculate them on the fly in my head.
(Accounting for one and not both is very inefficient, so I nope out of it completely. :P)

Oh wow. Ep 25. *facedesking* Come on.
"Victory" Just replace the guard with "Balancing".

I berate you? Well, I suppose that's fair enough if you add enough hyperbole. ;)
*Cue title-naming events* Well then. That was amusingly epic levels of living up to your name.
Saw it coming as soon as you tore into the 2nd water supply. (Saw it on the minimap as well :geek:)
"If you didn't build your power correctly the first time, don't tear down more than one set of boilers and engines at a time when you do rebuild."

Y'know, I'm seeing a very recurring theme with the topic of advice I end up giving. :roll:
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

Your sage advice is always welcome my friend, but don't hold out your hopes that I'll apply it when the time comes :)
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by n9103 »

Shame about the desyncs.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: [YouTube] Orbital Failure's Multiplayer Magnificence

Post by ColonelFailure »

It really is. We're going to work multiplayer back in because the series is a bit of a waste otherwise, but to lose a good chunk of play time each session was getting a bit old.
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