1. The Trivial Solution: By my experience in the base game, expensive recipes made crafting stuff vaguely ~4x harder. Thus, all it takes to counter-balance for the lack of them is multiply the science research cost by yet another 4x: change technology price multiplier to 16x to compensate for the lack of them, and that's it.
2. My experimental ultra-marathon game mode: By my latest experience in the base game, I was last playing marathon at 100x science cost + expensive recipes, which if expensive recipes made crafting stuff vaguely ~4x harder, would be matched at 400x science cost in space age. Let's make it 1000x to counter-balance for all the new features in Space Age that make scaling up easier; like stacked belts, elevated rails, or module quality, to name a few. Let's lower some resources availability a bit: All 50% on Nauvis, 17% uranium (I always thought this rarish resource should be rare). Increase all resources richness to 600%. Nauvis water scale to 200%, coverage 150% (train world). Evolution settings: 2, 10, 1 for Time factor, Destroy Factor, Pollution Factor, respectively. We're gonna be in for the long run, the evolution needs to be scaled back really hard. Enemy expansion.. disabled: I wish I didn't have to disable it but at 1000x science cost, expansion could be a nightmare to deal with due to how long it will take us to reach artillery (train world also disables expansion, I had forgotten about that). Technology: Price multiplier 1000 (like acknowledged above). Polution: we're gonna be in the long run, so trees should last longer: minimum damage to trees to 9999, or 166x more than base game, but remember.. science cost is 1000x, so it's only balanced to bump it up a notch :p. Not sure about this one balance wise, but I'd rather be safe than sorry when I'll be few hundreds of hours into my playthrough. Asteroids: 50%. Spoiling rate: 10%. Neither sure about these two balance wise.. like I said, it's experimental. That's it. The seed is not specifically selected, it is left at random, feel free to randomize it. Exchange string:
Would gladly take any feedback and ideas on my ultra-marathon design. I already started my experimental ultra-marathon playthrough, but I could have messed up some balance in there and very possible I'll have to start over. I had to restart plenty of times just to balance my 100x + expensive recipes base game marathon settings, so I do have some clue about how these settings affect balance. Where I do have more of a blind spot is how these settings will affect the game relative to all the new features.
May the factory grow