[2.0.11][minor] placing underground pipe can trap the player

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[2.0.11][minor] placing underground pipe can trap the player

Post by zalucius »

What did you do?
I was setting up oil processing and placing underground pipes.

What happened?
I placed an underground pipe and did not really pay attention to where the character was standing, so the underground pipe was placed on top of the character which were standing next to a normal pipe. This caused the character to become trapped inside the underground pipe, unable to move.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I would expect the "Character in the way" to fire

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
It happens all the time when the player is close to centered in the tile standing up against a normal pipe.

It is of course easy enough to just pick up the pipe again, but seems like we shouldn't be able to trap the character. If it is by design that the "character in the way" should not trigger when placing underground pipes, then perhaps just let the character be able to exit the tile if an underground is placed on top of the character?

Attached is a video demonstrating the issue.
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Re: [2.0.11][minor] placing underground pipe can trap the player

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this seems like a duplicate of 29294.
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