"Keeping your hands clean" description is unclear

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"Keeping your hands clean" description is unclear

Post by DoubleThought »

The description of the "Keeping your hands clean" achievement reads "Destroy your first enemy structure using artillery". This is confusing because I originally took the usage of "first" as similar to (for example) a hypothetical achievement reading "Research your first technology" - that is to say, "Destroy an enemy structure using artillery for the first time" (Compare "Art of siege", which description reads "Destroy an enemy structure using artillery").

The existence of both "Keeping your hands clean" and "Art of siege" was confusing when I read through the achievement list, but helped me eventually puzzle out the actual meaning of the "Keeping your hands clean", albeit only hours after having first destroyed an enemy nest by hand.
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Re: "Keeping your hands clean" description is unclear

Post by undermark5 »

I agree it is ambiguously phrased, and honestly, I'm still not sure what the correct, because I just got the achievement but I got both Art of Siege and Keeping your hands clean even after having killed biter nets via tank or guns (I got the Steamrolled achievement in the save). Sure, I never used melee combat on them... So, perhaps some sort of bug. It was the first nest that was killed since the server was restarted, but I'd expect that to persist.
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