[2.X] [Space Age] Someway to direct where cargo pods land (with no landing pad), and an event for them landing.

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[2.X] [Space Age] Someway to direct where cargo pods land (with no landing pad), and an event for them landing.

Post by Oarc »


I've supported a scenario/mod for a long time that provides separate areas/forces for multiplayer spawns. These things would be very helpful for mine and other multiplayer focused mods.

Is there a way to direct cargo pods (specifically ones that are not destined for landing pads) to a different location instead of near 0,0?

Is there an event for when a player is kicked out of a cargo pod when they land?
I see there are events for when the player changes driving state to enter the pod, when the player transitions to the space platform, from the platform into the pod again, but I don't see a driving state change at the moment the player is kicked out of the pod after the pod landing sequence.

Thank you!
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