[2.0.10] "e" not accepting choices if cursor is in count field of personal logistics

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.10] "e" not accepting choices if cursor is in count field of personal logistics

Post by doktorstick »

I *think* this is a regression from 1.1. If it isn't, then it's more of a usability suggestion. When setting personal logistics, the text field is a count, and pressing "e" to confirm (which hovering the green arrow says is the keybind) doesn't work... it instead types an "e" in the count window (e.g. "100e").
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Re: [2.0.10] "e" not accepting choices if cursor is in count field of personal logistics

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is a duplicate of 116339.
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