Train Stop Blueprints

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Train Stop Blueprints

Post by arbarbonif »

Train stops shouldn't always overwrite colors and should be able to overwrite names.

What ?
It would be nice if train stop blueprints didn't overwrite the color of the train stop if the stop in the blueprint is the default color. It would also be nice if you could set a blueprint to overwrite the name of a train stop based on what is in the blueprint.
Why ?
One of the big uses for blue prints is for complex things like train stations. I have blueprints with both full stations and extensions to stations, such as adding additional stops to a station and adding controls to stations (like requestor functions driven by combinators). I also like having my stations and trains color coded (coal is black, copper is orange). My base station blueprint has a personal access station and a refueling station. It would be nice if I didn't have to rename those stations when I placed them, I always want the refueling station to be named "Refuel" and the personal station as "PAX something", if I could set the blueprint to save the names it would make that easier (I could leave the refuel station as is and just add to the PAX station). Likewise I have a blueprint for a requestor station that uses combinators attached to the station to control when the station is active (and to send the request out along my main trunk). The problem is that if I forget to place the combinator bp first, I get the station all set up and then when I place the combinator pattern it promptly turns my pretty yellow sulfuric acid station back to boring red. I never want that blueprint to change the color of the station. It wouldn't be a stretch to just have it set up so that if the blueprint didn't override the defaults for color or name, they don't override the name/color when placed; if they have altered names or colors they do. In my case that would set both color and name for the main stations and neither for the extensions. I think that would be a logical behavior and it wouldn't need any UI changes (and it would make my life easier).
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Re: Train Stop Blueprints

Post by Hares »

As per 1.1.92, station names can be removed from the blueprints, but the color cannot.
IMAO, when the "Train Stop Names" option is disabled for the blueprint, it should keep the station color neither.
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Re: Train Stop Blueprints

Post by Hares »

2.0 Hares here. With the parameterized blueprints it's very common to paste the BP over existing train stops to apply "patches". Since name can be parameterized, it will be kept, but the train stop color will be overwritten which is counter-productive with the new train option "Color same as destination"
This is not always the case. Sometimes the color is kept, sometimes it's overwritten.
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Re: Train Stop Blueprints

Post by Zoltorion »

Just started to run into this issue myself with parameterized blueprints with stations, would be great to have a toggle to keep color or not similar to the train stop name toggle in blueprints.
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