When I have an assembler making rocket fuel, it gets a fluid input on the top for light oil. When I rotate this assembling machine into place, and then use shift+rightclick and shift+leftclick to copy it to other empty assemblers, the recipe goes, but the rotation of the machine does not.
Why does the rotation of the machine not get copied along?
Is there a reason why it's not possible?
Can we please have this QoL feature?
Copying fluid assembler recipie.
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Copying fluid assembler recipie.
I came here to suggest the same thing.
Your best bet right now is to use copy-paste, but I feel like right-click copying should do the same thing. It's inconsistent otherwise.
Your best bet right now is to use copy-paste, but I feel like right-click copying should do the same thing. It's inconsistent otherwise.
Re: Copying fluid assembler recipie.
It's just as likely to hurt as help. I would hate for my mirrored refineries to all rotate when I paste settings on them. It's an option with mods of course. Bug notnotmelon to update this one: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/copy-machine-orientation
My mods: Multiple Unit Train Control, Smart Artillery Wagons
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk