[Rseding91] [2.0.8] Movement bonus UI shows near-zero floating point values in exoskeleton

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[Rseding91] [2.0.8] Movement bonus UI shows near-zero floating point values in exoskeleton

Post by Polah »

What did you do? Put an exoskeleton and belt immunity equipment in Modular Armor, and ran until the battery was depleted.

What happened? Movement bonus decreased continuously as a floating point number i.e. "+1.48732e-55%" or "+1.93902e-155%". Changing values also caused the right edge of the Modular armor UI to jitter. Upon reaching a exponent value of -322 or 322, the movement bonus line would disappear from the interface.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway! Movement bonus should report zero after reaching a reasonably small percentage from power drain, of if exoskeleton is not powered.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes? Always, as long as there was no power source in the armor. Occurred with or without batteries, and could be caused by removing solar panels during the day, or when they reached zero power generation at night. Did not occur where exoskeleton was inserted but never powered. Bug occurred both with or without any mods installed.

The secreenshots below show the effect of the UI changing size based on content. See the smaller gap between the right edge of the UI and the rock when the movement bonus value is shown to 4 vs 5 decimal places.
big gap.png
big gap.png (618.33 KiB) Viewed 1024 times
small gap.png
small gap.png (441.88 KiB) Viewed 1024 times
(12.22 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.8] Movement bonus UI shows near-zero floating point values in exoskeleton

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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