[boskid][2.0.7] Loader UI cannot be opend when loader-type == input

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[boskid][2.0.7] Loader UI cannot be opend when loader-type == input

Post by kryojenik »

When using game provided loader entities the UI does not open if the loader-type is set as input.

The changelog does point out that the loader is now circuit connectable, however it it not possible to configure circuit conditions, filters, or enable transfer reading while the loader is an input loader. You are able to switch the loader to an output loader, set your conditions then switch it back to an input loader. This is cumbersome.
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Re: [boskid][2.0.7] Loader UI cannot be opend when loader-type == input

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for 2.0.9.
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