Please see the 2.0.7 changelog for the full modding API changelog: 116184
- Increased the limit of different tile types from 255 to 65535.
- Collision layers are now defined by prototypes. There is still limit of 55 layers but the layers themselves can have any name.
- Collision mask has a mandatory table "layers" which must specify layers as dictionary.
- Removed collision layers from "layer-13" to "layer-55".
- Changed prototypes from straight-rail to legacy-straight-rail and curved-rail to legacy-curved-rail
- New rail prototypes: straight-rail, curved-rail-a, curved-rail-b, half-diagonal-rail, rail-ramp, elevated-straight-rail, elevated-curved-rail-a, elevated-curved-rail-b, elevated-half-diagonal-rail.
- Added rail-support prototype.
- Changed way of defining rail prototype graphics: pictures are tied to direction of an entity they will be used by.
- Changed prototype data loading to enforce the correct types are used.
- Restricted prototype names to only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.
- Added RailPrototype::ending_shifts to fine-tune render position of rail endings.
- Added RollingStockPrototype::transition_collision_mask and RollingStockPrototype::elevated_collision_mask.
- Changed rail planner prototype: it now takes list of rail entities it is allowed to place and optional support for use with elevated rails.
- Added EntityPrototypeFlag "building-direction-16-way".
- Reworked noise expression definition system.
- Added circuit connections to TurretPrototype and ArtilleryPrototype.
- Changed most entity graphics definitions to be optional.
- Changed various entity prototypes to only accept "energy_source" for the energy source, not "burner".
- Changed PumpPrototype::fluid_box into input_fluid_box and output_fluid_box.
- Changed TileEffectDefinition to allow for different effects.
- Changed "finish-the-game-achievement" achievement type to "complete-objective-achievement".
- Renamed until_second to within for various achievement prototypes.
- Moved subgroup property from individual prototypes to PrototypeBase.
- Removed "axially_symmetrical" property from RotatedSprite and RotatedAnimation definitions.
- Removed the entity flag fast-replaceable-no-cross-type-while-moving and fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving.
- Removed support for emissions_per_second from worker robots.
- Renamed track_coverage_during_build_by_moving to track_coverage_during_drag_building and changed the default to true
- Added optional tile_condition to the place_as_tile, which allows to specify explicit list of tiles it can be built over.
- Added vector_to_place_result (drop target) support to crafting machines.
- Changed default value of TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities to true.
- The fluid generated by offshore pump is property of the tile instead of the pump.
- Replaced ModulePrototype::limitation and ModulePrototype::limitation_blacklist with RecipePrototype::allow_[effect-name] properties (e.g. RecipePrototype::allow_productivity). By default, all effects except productivity are allowed.
- Replaced ModulePrototype::limitation_message_key with RecipePrototype::allow_[effect-name]_message properties (e.g. RecipePrototype::allow_productivity_message). If not set, the game uses "item-limitation.[effect-name]-effect".
- Added ElectricPolePrototype::auto_connect_up_to_n_wires.
- Added RecipePrototype::hide_from_signal_gui.
- Replaced min_perceived_performance, performance_to_sound_speedup, min_animation_progress and max_animation_progress with perceived_performance table containing minimum, maximum and performance_to_activity_rate.
- Entity selection priority is no longer deduced from collision masks. Use property 'selection_priority' for that purpose.
- Several prototype types have been given new 'selection_priority' default values, documented in '__base__/prototypes/entities/entity_util.lua'.
- The prototype names of logistic chests have been changed to match their English display name. 'logistic-chest-requester' became 'requester-chest', etc. This applies to entities, items and recipes.
Saves, exported blueprint/book/planner strings, and rich text tags in labels and destriptions will have their contents migrated automatically. - Added RocketSiloPrototype::rocket_quick_relaunch_start_offset, specifying the starting position for rockets created with the new quick-launch feature. 0 is the regular starting position, 1 is the end of the rising animation.
- Added optional RocketSiloPrototype::rocket_parts_storage_cap, denoting when a silo is considered "full" for crafting rocket parts. Has to be at least rocket_parts_required, and defaults to that value.
- Reworked how PipeConnectionDefinitions are specified. Added 'connection_type'. Added ability to specify 'linked' connection_type. Renamed 'type' into 'flow_direction'. Added direction. 'position' now has to be inside of the entity. Added 'connection_category'. Added 'linked_connection_id'.
- Deprecated player-port prototype.
- Changed type of 'entity-unknown', 'tile-proxy', 'tree-dying-proxy', 'tree-proxy' from flying-text to entity-ghost.
- Removed the "flying-text" entity type. Use LuaPlayer::create_local_flying_text or LuaRendering::draw_text instead.
- Removed the "flame-thrower-explosion" entity type.
- Removed "smoke" entity prototype.
- Removed "mining-tool" item prototype.
- Removed "noise-layer" prototypes. Places previously accepting them now take a 32-bit integer or a string which gets converted using CRC32.
- Removed SpiderEnginePrototype::military_target check. If a spider vehicle should be a military target, set EntityWithOwnerPrototype::is_military_target directly.
- Removed RecipePrototype::result and result_count. Use RecipePrototype::results instead.
- ProductPrototype now has a mandatory "type" field and does not accept simplified syntax for item products.
- Unified the way hidden property of all prototypes is specified, which is always a hidden bool instead of different kind of flags.
- Added MiningDrillPrototype::effect_receiver, CraftingMachinePrototype::effect_receiver and LabPrototype::effect_receiver.
- Removed MiningDrillPrototype::base_productivity, CraftinMachinePrototype::base_productivity and LabPrototype::base_productivity. They were moved into EffectReceiverPrototype::base_effect.
- Restructured SelectionToolPrototype: specific modes are described under select(required), alt_select(required), reverse_select(optional) and alt_reverse_select(optional) tables.
- Added airborne-pollutant prototype and changed various pollution related properties to support multiple pollution types.
- Rearranged BoilerPrototype's pictures.
- Added CorpsePrototype::expires, defaulting to 'true'. Denotes whether corpses of this type expire by default.
- Moved character guns inventory size to the prototype as guns_inventory_size defaulting to 3.
- Removed hr_version from all graphics definitions. The graphics are now always considered to be in high definition.
- Removed ability of ItemWithInventory to extend inventory.
- Removed ItemPrototype::default_request_amount and wire_count.
- Removed normal and expensive properties from TechnologyPrototype and RecipePrototype.
- Removed deprecated graphics definitions from TransportBeltConnectablePrototype, use belt_animation_set instead.
- Removed RocketSiloPrototype::rocket_result_inventory_size.
- Removed ConstantCombinatorPrototype::item_slot_count.
- Changed "combat-robot-count" achievement type to "combat-robot-count-achievement".
- Changed "ghost-time-to-live" modifier type to "create-ghost-on-entity-death" and changed the modifier from double to bool.
- Added EntityPrototype::icon_draw_specification, to control the scale and shift of alt-info icons for entities.
- Removed AmmoTurretPrototype::entity_info_icon_shift.
- Removed CraftingMachinePrototype::entity_info_icon_shift.
- Removed CraftingMachinePrototype::scale_entity_info_icon.
- Removed StorageTankPrototype::scale_entity_info_icon.
- Removed LinkedContainerPrototype::scale_info_icons.
- Removed ContainerPrototype::scale_info_icons.
- Removed RobotWithLogisticInterfacePrototype::cargo_centered.
- Removed utility constant pollution_color.
- Removed biter_ai_settings global variable. Instead, when requiring "biter-ai-settings.lua", assign the returned table to a local variable.
- Added BeamPrototype::graphics_set and moved graphics related properties there.
- Added CraftingMachinePrototype::graphics_set and moved graphics related properties there.
- Added AccumulatorPrototype::chargable_graphics and moved graphics related properties there.
- [space-age] Added space-platform-hub and cargo-bay prototypes.
- [space-age] Added asteroid, asteroid-collector and thruster prototype.
- Added asteroid-chunk prototype.
- Added cargo-landing-pad prototype.
- Added space-platform-starter-pack, space-location, planet and space-connection prototypes.
- Added surface-property and surface prototypes.
- Added active-trigger and chain-active-trigger prototypes.
- Added quality prototype and various related prototype properties.
- Added spider-unit prototype.
- [space-age] Added segment and segmented-unit prototypes.
- [space-age] Added lightning-attractor prototype.
- Added lightning prototype.
- Added plant prototype.
- [space-age] Added agricultural-tower prototype.
- Added selector-combinator and display-panel prototypes.
- Added fusion-generator and fusion-reactor prototypes.
- Added burner-usage prototype.
- Added equipment-ghost prototype.
- Added remote-controller prototype.
- Added stateless_visualisation_variations to DecorativePrototype, SimpleEntityPrototype, SimpleEntityWithOwnerPrototype and TreePrototype.
- Added stateless_visualisation to DecorativePrototype and EntityPrototype.
- Added RoboportPrototype::radar_range.
- Added ShortcutPrototype::unavailable_until_unlocked.
- Added MiningDrillPrototype::resource_drain_rate_percent and filter_count.
- [space-age] Added MiningDrillPrototype::drops_full_belt_stacks.
- [space-age] Added LoaderPrototype::max_belt_stack_size.
- [space-age] Added InserterPrototype::max_belt_stack_size.
- Added InserterPrototype::grab_less_to_match_belt_stack and enter_drop_mode_if_held_stack_spoiled.
- Added BeaconPrototype::profile and beacon_counter.
- Added AmmoItemPrototype::ammo_category.
- Added LogisticContainerPrototype::trash_inventory_size.
- Added LabPrototype::trash_inventory_size.
- Added CarPrototype::auto_sort_inventory and trash_inventory_size.
- Added RocketSiloPrototpye::rocket_supply_inventory_size, logistic_trash_inventory_size, render_not_in_network_icon and cargo_station_parameters.
- Added TilePrototype::built_animations and related properties.
- Added TilePrototype::weight, max_health, dying_explosion, destroys_dropped_items and default_destroyed_dropped_item_trigger.
- Added ItemPrototype::weight, random_tint_color, has_random_tint, plant_result, destroyed_by_dropping_trigger and default_import_location.
- [space-age] Added ItemPrototype::spoil_result, spoil_to_trigger_result and spoil_ticks.
- Added CliffPrototype::place_as_crater.
- Added TurretPrototype::graphics_set and other graphics related properties.
- Added TechnologyPrototype::research_trigger and allows_productivity.
- Added AmbientSound::planet and variable_sound.
- Added Prototype::factoriopedia_alternative and PrototypeBase::factoriopedia_description, hidden_in_factoriopedia and factoriopedia_simulation.
- Added RecipePrototype::preserve_products_in_machine_output, surface_conditions and maximum_productivity.
- Added VehiclePrototype::allow_remote_driving.
- Added MapSettings::asteroids.
- Added RollingStockPrototype::default_copy_color_from_train_stop.
- Added AmmoTurretPrototype::energy_source and energy_per_shot.
- Added EntityPrototype::ambient_sounds, tile_buildability_rules, icons_positioning and surface_conditions.
- Added RadarPrototype::connects_to_other_radars, energy_fraction_to_connect and energy_fraction_to_disconnect.
- Added CustomInputPrototype::block_modifiers.
- [space-age] Added capture-robot prototype.
- Added EnemySpawnerPrototype::captured_spawner_entity and time_to_capture.
- Added FluidPrototype::visualization_color.
- Added PipeToGroundPrototype::visualization.
- Added "get-by-unit-number" entity prototype flag.
- Increased the limit of different "optimized-decorative" types from 255 to 65535.
Added dynamic prototype migrations support.(Removed in 2.0.7) - Removed EntityPrototype::drawing_box and replaced it with drawing_box_vertical_extension.
- Add more prototype properties for shaping Spidertron and spider unit legs and behaviors.
- Loader is now circuit connectable.
- Renamed InserterPrototype::stack to InserterPrototype::bulk.
- Changed "forward-then-backward" animation run mode to not repeat the first and the last frame when running backward.
- Determining whether a tile draws transitions over different tile takes into consideration also TilePrototype::layer_group now.
- Renamed TileRenderLayer "ground" to "ground-natural" and added "ground-artificial".
- Reduced number of layers in "zero" tile render layer group from 128 to 64. And "water" from 64 to 8.
- Removed TilePrototype::draw_in_water_layer.
- On prototypes of entities with circuit connector removed circuit_wire_connection_points and circuit_connector_sprites but added circuit_connector.
- Renamed boiler "heat-water-inside" mode to "heat-fluid-inside".
- Replaced TileSpriteLayoutVariant::tall with TileSpriteLayoutVariant::tile_height.
- Removed WorkingVisualisation::draw_as_sprite and WorkingVisualisation::draw_as_light. Use SpriteParameters::draw_as_light and draw_as_glow instead.
- Removed BeaconModuleVisualization::draw_as_sprite and BeaconModuleVisualization::draw_as_light.
- Removed AnimationElement::draw_as_sprite and AnimationElement::draw_as_light.
- Removed BeaconGraphicsSet::apply_module_tint_to_light.
- Reset technology effects is automatically run when technology unlocks change.
- Added OffshorePumpPrototype::energy_source and energy_usage.
- Changed research unit ingredients to only be specified by a tuple.
- Changed recipe ingredients to only be specified by a table with named keys.
- Removed catalyst_amount from recipe ingredients and products.
- Added ignored_by_stats to recipe ingredients.
- Added ignored_by_stats and ignored_by_productivity to recipe products.
- Added 'R' (ronna) and 'Q' (quetta) SI prefixes.
- Removed 'K' from allowed SI prefixes - use 'k' instead.
- Renamed "effectivity-module" to "efficiency-module", including all items, recipes, and technologies.
- Renamed ItemPrototype::placed_as_equipment_result to place_as_equipment_result to match the runtime name.
- Removed BurnerEnergySource::fuel_category. Use BurnerEnergySource::fuel_categories instead.
- Removed slice, slice_x and slice_y from Sprite and RotatedSprite.
- Changed PipeToGround::pictures to use a standard Sprite4Way.
- Removed OffshorePumpPrototype::picture. Use OffshorePumpPrototype::graphics_set instead.
- Removed ContainerPrototype::enable_inventory_bar.
- Added ContainerPrototype::inventory_type "normal".
- Added LinkedContainerPrototype::inventory_type "normal".
- Removed ItemPrototype::rocket_launch_product. Use rocket_launch_products instead.
- Moved FluidBoxManagerPrototype::off_when_no_fluid_recipe up to AssemblingMachinePrototype::fluid_boxes_off_when_no_fluid_recipe.
- Added delayed-active-trigger ActiveTrigger type.
- Added ability to attach a SmokeWithTrigger to a target entity and make it fade when the target entity is destroyed.
- Added time-based cooldowns to TriggerEffectWithCooldown.
- Removed deprecated "compressed" SpriteFlag.
- Removed icon_mipmaps from various prototypes using icons. Mipmap count will be inferred from icon_size and actual dimensions of the source image.
- Changed icon_size default to be always 64, which is also defined by defines.default_icon_size, for the case we ever wanted to change this.
- Changed plural localisation format to use double underscores around parameter index.
- Added new prototype type "custom-event" to define custom events in the data stage. Custom events share the same namespace as custom inputs and built-in events for subscribing to and raising them.