Train overview Add Queued train count

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Moderator: ickputzdirwech

Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:09 pm

Train overview Add Queued train count

Post by RiverRob »

enhancement to train overview that adds count of trains queued for given station name. i.e. How many trains have this station name as their next stop but have yet to be assigned to a station.

What ?
with a significantly large amounts of trains and stations, it's difficult to quickly find which station or stations is the bottleneck.
With a simple enhancement to the train overview, an addition of the queued train count would should at a glance where the most trains are waiting to get to.
Existing counts are "In Use" and "Available" stations. Adding a Queued count before those counts would show the bottleneck.
example current (in use/available):
Station A - 2/10
Station B - 3/3
Station C - 4/4

example Future (queued/in use/available):
Station A - 0/2/10
Station B - 15/3/3
Station C - 1/4/4
09-14-2024, 11-07-13.png
09-14-2024, 11-07-13.png (64.65 KiB) Viewed 281 times
Why ?
gives more insight into the train network and allows players to quickly see where resources should be applied to remove bottlenecks.
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Re: Train overview Add Queued train count

Post by sparr »

This seems like the sort of feature that would fit well in a train management mod, and then perhaps if it's popular or useful enough get promoted to vanilla. I wouldn't be surprised to find this in an existing such mod, but I'm out of date on their current feature sets.
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