Green circuits, from ore, beaconed, direct insertion, 140/s

Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput.
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Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Green circuits, from ore, beaconed, direct insertion, 140/s

Post by Tertius »

To improve ups, I started developing some direct insertion builds for circuit production. This is what I created for green circuits. Input ore, output green circuits. It's aimed for practical use, so input is supposed to come from some train station.

Output is exactly 140/s, controlled by timed output inserters. They are timed in a way to sync and slightly throttle production, so buffers will build (give it time) and every inserter will swing only with a full hand. Limit is the input of 2x45/s copper ore.
It looks very uniform, however it contains much customized spaghetti to make it tileable and get the circuits out opposite to the ore.

Comments anyone? I wasn't able to find anything like that anywhere for inspiration, but I cannot believe this hasn't been done before.

Screenshot 2024-07-30 143918.png
Screenshot 2024-07-30 143918.png (2.27 MiB) Viewed 2034 times

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