[IDEA] Varying Satellites

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[IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

Varied Satellites
is a mod which allows you to launch many different extra terrestrial vehicles, performing multiple actions.
The mod is fully compatible with Space Exploration.
Available Satellites:
Science Satellites: Used in the production of Space and Exploration Science Packs.
Mining Satellites: Provides all base-game ores, as well as oil barrels. This does not include SA ores, you must get them by building a
Mobile Base Satellite: Provides various intermediates, like gear wheels, electronic circuits and plastic.
Surveillance Satellite: Used to discover new planets with SA installed. Also enables remote view.
Orbital Strike Satellites: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from space. Designed for PVP, but completely compatible with normal enemies.

Mods can also add their own satellites doing various things.

To balance the addition of these new satellites, you now need 3 different science packs to progress through the main game, (there is also a 4th new science pack required for some infinite research) Which require their own unique process involving Data Cards and Computation Machines of various tiers.
Science Progression Comparison:
Full Explanation of Data Card Processing:
Data card
Satellite Construction Process:
More To Come!
This mod is currently under active development, even if full release has happened yet. Expect more features and improvements in the future.
Original post
Old archived post made for 1.1.x
Last edited by BraveCaperCat on Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

I have started work on the mod. Hopefully a pre-release version will be available soon!
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

Settings and associated locales are done for pre-release 1, just prototypes to go (i am not doing any control scripting in pre-release 1, but will be by full release)
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by Qon »

BraveCaperCat wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:36 pm This post describes my idea for a mod which I will soon start working on. I request that no one else tries to implement this idea in their mod(s)
Should I stop working on the mod and someone else comes to take the mod to full release, (which I would allow) I would like them to continue it in this way.
WTF :x

At least you said "request" instead of "demand", but that still sounds very presumptions. And thinking you have the power to deny others (since you say "allow") the right to develop other similar mods in a diverging way from your vision is wacky.
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

Mod info and changelog is complete for Pre-Release 1 (assuming i get to pre-release the mod today, that is)
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

Qon wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:24 pm
BraveCaperCat wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:36 pm This post describes my idea for a mod which I will soon start working on. I request that no one else tries to implement this idea in their mod(s)
Should I stop working on the mod and someone else comes to take the mod to full release, (which I would allow) I would like them to continue it in this way.
WTF :x

At least you said "request" instead of "demand", but that still sounds very presumptions. And thinking you have the power to deny others (since you say "allow") the right to develop other similar mods in a diverging way from your vision is wacky.
OK it was a bad idea. A friend of my chose to read this when i told my friend about it. As soon as they learnt I had wrote it on the forums my friend was angry at me. (in a funny way though) At least you are the first person i know knows about my mod idea.
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by Qon »

BraveCaperCat wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:36 pm Satellite Types and their uses:
Base Satellite: Cannot be launched - Used only to create other satellites.
Short Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Space Science Packs. (Rocket Science Packs in SE) Can also discover new zones with SE installed
Long Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Exploration Science Packs.
Short Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore.
Medium Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore, Water Ice (with SE) and Barreled Oil.
Long Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper, Coal, Uranium, Vulcanite (With SE) and Cryonite Ore (With SE), Water Ice (With SE) and Barreled Oil.
Mobile Base Satellite: Provides various early game resources.
Surveillance Satellite: Can discover new zones with SE installed and allow usage of the star map, the universe explorer and the navigational uplink.
Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using explosive missiles.
Nuclear Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using Nukes.
This is the only useful info in your whole post about what the mod actually provides to a player. And it comes at the end. The rest is just an info dump on recipe details which don't matter at all to anyone who hasn't read the quoted part at the bottom, which would give them info on if the mod is even interesting to them. Also, it's way too much details and nothing makes sense. You would have to play the mod and get used to each step slowly to actually keep track of it all. People get overwhelmed keeping track of everything when they are in the game and can see the icons and have tried building parts of it and have tools to see which recipe leads to which process and what tech unlock each part. You think just listing all of it here is going to make sense to anyone else? I had to skim through several meaningless parts just to find out if there was any mention in the post about the "Varying satellites" which were promised in the title.

You need to tell the reader what they get (the quoted part) first, then have some headers that split up your post into different sections for the recipes and processes etc, if those are important to share at all. Second part would be an abstract which summarizes the processes introduced in the mod for making these satellites and why they were added and how they fit together. Then, optionally, go more into detail about how those processes, machines and recipes work under separate headers. But you can skip it if no one asks for it and there's no mod developed because these things will change a lot.
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

The contents of this post have been deleted, except for this message. The prior contents of this post have been moved to the original post for the mod. (replacing the old content there)
Last edited by BraveCaperCat on Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:08 am, edited 6 times in total.
Creator of multiple mods, including Quality Assurance - My most popular one.
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by Qon »

BraveCaperCat wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:38 pm Like this?
Much better!
I would use spoiler= instead of spoiler though, and h tag instead of size tag
Like this
And now I'm able to read what the mod does! :D ;)
And you can edit your original post so that it is just the contents of my "like this" spoiler= 8-)
My mods: Capsule Ammo | HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting | ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines
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Re: [IDEA] Varying Satellites

Post by BraveCaperCat »

I've decided to split the mod into 3 parts.
  • DataCore, A library mod which helps with adding data cards and related recipes to the game.
    Requires Base.
  • DigitalAge, The base mod for a new series of mods, including VariedSatellites. It contains everything above which isn't related to space.
    Requires DataCore and Base.
  • VariedSatellites, Contains everything in this mod which isn't in the above mods.
    Requires DigitalAge, DataCore and Base.
I was a few months late about telling everyone this, but now that space age has released - I pretty much have to rewrite the mods from scratch.
That includes all the mods I've already written. *Painful modding ensues*
Creator of multiple mods, including Quality Assurance - My most popular one.
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