And now Notch :3

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And now Notch :3

Post by WoodyDaOcas »

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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Tenandra »

That will certainly rasie the profile of the game a bit :)
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Nic »

The game will now finally hit the roof :)
I am Nic and I love to play games - the more unique the game concept is, the more I am up to buy a game and support the developers with my ideas.
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Nova »

Notch did already tweet about the game. Notch is not really the famous person, not since he did leave Minecraft. I don't think that this will change the sales in a big way. We will see.
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Overread »

Unless he makes another big game or two chances are he'll vanish into obscurity - though chances are he's got a large enough Twitter fanbase that it will generate some significant interest. At present though I sense that whilst early access is working well its lost its original buzz that it generated a while back. It's become too common and a lot of smaller companies have had poorer track records (even some big names have had trouble).

It's also marred by the fact that most people don't get how it works (just look at many of the rants against Planetary Annihilation) and expect fast progress, significant progress and what "they" want progress. Sometimes its better for a game to remain lesser well known whilst its in the earlier stages and then blossom into publicity once its further down the line (Though this depends greatly on their funding situation).

But yes hopefully many more people will come to factorio!
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Wardiaper »

I haven't been around factorio for a while and just downloaded it again. So happy for the devs that the word has gotten out, especially with the biggest name in games currently - Notch. Remember vaguely (around 10,000 sales?) that things were looking a little rough and nice to see sales over 65,000. This game deserves to succeed so much.

Well, off to see what's new in the game since I last played it. :)
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Xterminator »

This pretty cool, but I don't really think it will bring a huge new group of people to do the game. I mean if Notch was still a big part of Minecraft, and like posted somewhere on the site about Factorio, I could see a massive amount of people coming here. But as it is, I think it probably won't even bring the same amount of people as say Zisteau's videos did, or some of the other big YouTubers who featured it.
I do hope the Factorio community kees growing though, as they certainly deserve it! :D
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by kovarex »

Xterminator wrote:This pretty cool, but I don't really think it will bring a huge new group of people to do the game. I mean if Notch was still a big part of Minecraft, and like posted somewhere on the site about Factorio, I could see a massive amount of people coming here. But as it is, I think it probably won't even bring the same amount of people as say Zisteau's videos did, or some of the other big YouTubers who featured it.
I do hope the Factorio community kees growing though, as they certainly deserve it! :D
Twitter/articles etc. has no effect on sales at all compared to youtubers.
But these can bring new youtubers to try the game on the other hand.
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by -root »

kovarex wrote:Twitter/articles etc. has no effect on sales at all compared to youtubers.
But these can bring new youtubers to try the game on the other hand.
Not a direct result, no. But it is excellent promotion and it does build your brand. Having someone big and famous say "holy shit, i'm addicted to factorio" is only going to bring good things to the game.
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by WoodyDaOcas »

Thanks for the discussion, guys :) I just feel like it needs to be said out loud ) We all know him, to some extent, I am willing to go and try to guess all of us played some of Minecraft and thus, if the CREATOR of it likes Factorio, then it might interests me, as a Notch follower, ie. someone, who likes Minecraft :)
So.. this is why I thought it's a good news )
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by kovarex »

WoodyDaOcas wrote:Thanks for the discussion, guys :) I just feel like it needs to be said out loud ) We all know him, to some extent, I am willing to go and try to guess all of us played some of Minecraft and thus, if the CREATOR of it likes Factorio, then it might interests me, as a Notch follower, ie. someone, who likes Minecraft :)
So.. this is why I thought it's a good news )
Well, when creator of Minecraft like this game It can at least be a good argument against hese "this is minecraft copy" people.
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Re: And now Notch :3

Post by Piranha »

So what you're saying is.. Minecraft copied Factorio? :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
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