I just wanted to highlight this sentence from the post. Have you guys seen the UIs of e.g. Age of Wonders 4 or, more recently, Stellaris? They allow "infinite hover-over tooltips", where you highlight a key phrase or icon in some piece of UI and a tooltip pops up; and if related keywords or icons exist in that tooltip, when you move your mouse into the first tooltip, the original tooltip stays on your screen while you get a new tooltip to dive into. This continues on and on and on forever until you exit the top-most tooltip with your mouse to return to the one before, or until you move your mouse outside of all tooltips' borders and exit the stack in one go.Whenever you hover an item/recipe/entity etc. We often provide lists of related entries. But since it is a tooltip, you can't really go and click those to explore further.
I'd never seen this before AoW 4 and I fell so completely in love it with that I basically never want to see anything else ever again haha
Not saying "do this!!" -- just meaning: it is possible to do what you said isn't possible; and there's awesome examples of just how well that can work out there already. But I think the Factoriopedia already covers what the infinite hover-overs would do, but in a more Factorioesque way.