What I can answer then, why don't you keep your "new machines" then. I assume you are referring to things like the foundry. In essence these "new machines" are nothing more than a assembling machine with a new graphic and different values for the crafting speed, stuff that might as well be modded in. I don't want more of that boring binary stuff if it means giving up one of the actual simulation mechanics in the game."However, during our playtesting of Space Age, it became clear that the existing system would no longer do the job. The production scaling afforded by the new machines and quality brought the flow algorithm to its knees."
Or, putting it even better, the fluid system was actually the only reason those "new machines" could be interesting at all, due to the challenge of feeding them with enough fluids. That all becomes trivial now.
What about adding a "hard mode" to the game that will preserve the old fluid system? I also hope you will keep the Marathon difficulty in the expansion, maybe it could be part of that.