[1.1.107] Corrupted save recovery

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[1.1.107] Corrupted save recovery

Post by Carltonrp »

Similar to viewtopic.php?t=100982 I have a server running Krastorio+SpaceExploration which is now failing to startup with a error:

Code: Select all

9.876 Warning Map.cpp:337: Map loading failed: Entity [name=aai-signal-receiver, type=roboport, position={-1487.0000000000, -233.9882812500}, direction=<no>, force=(nil), surface=<no>, setup=false, owned-by-ghost=false, to-be-deconstructed=false, to-be-upgraded=false, simulation=false] belongs to invalid force index=121
Is there some tool/instructions on how to repair the binary in this save file?

Let me know if you need anything from to to help out! Would really like to recover this 100h+ save of SE...

Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XZ4Hft ... drive_link
(29.32 KiB) Downloaded 34 times
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Re: [1.1.107] Corrupted save recovery

Post by Rseding91 »

Save corruption is inherently random because it isn't supposed to happen. It happens because of bad/failing hardware and can and will corrupt any amount of the save. So there is no tool/method to simply repair a given corrupted save.

If it has happened once, it will likely keep happening until the root issue (bad hardware in virtually every case) has been fixed.
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Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.107] Corrupted save recovery

Post by Carltonrp »

I fully understand that and intend to test the hardware that the server is running on (this is not the first game to have bad save data sadly). But hopefully this save is recoverable the same way that the other post was so I can at least move it to a non-failing server and continue playing.

Any help possible is much appreciated!
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