Right now bigest issue with Factorio Production tab is that it provide double info that actualy kinda useless.
Let's image situation, You open production tab and see that base produce 200 gren circuits and consume same 200 GC.
What that mean?
It could mean 4 situations:
• You produce 200 and consume 200 because you perfectly mathed you way (All good)
• You produce 200 because you could only consume 200 and you actual production capacity is 500 (Amazing you should conmsume more!)
• You produce 200 because you haven't thin that you will need more (lol) and now your few assemblers work 24/7 to do what they can
• You produce 200 because you have not enought copper to have fully suplied you 500 GC production.
ALL those situation will be showed as 200/200.
And only time where they could be different is when I burn through buffer or fill buffer.
What should be shown in addition to production/consumption
1. Potential production
2. potential consumption
3. current stock (how much those things exist in universe/on belts/in chest/wagons/logistic network accessable etc.)
4. Extra: "pin" items in production stats
As example from game of Anno 1800
You could see how much pruduction building poduce (Green) and consume (Blue) item, you could sort list by difference, you could filter items by name and type and you could group production on differen islands (in factorio terms - planets).
Right now Factorio production bar is filled relatively to choosen item. So if I make 1000 iron and 10 copper, I will see that 100% of filled iron bar and 1% filled copper bar. It should insted be % of potential consumption/potential production.