[0.11.x] Uranium Power

Power generation with atoms.

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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Skybox_ »

I don't want to be rude, but some of those placeholder textures are kind of annoying me.

I made some textures for people who don't like the fuel assemblies/yellowcake textures. I am planning on making some for the Uranium Hexaflourides and the Flourite. If Liquius wan'ts to put these in the actual mod then by all means go ahead.

Also, Liquius, can you change the base image files so they are saved and read as "fuel-assembly1.1%" instead of "fuel-assemblyiiii." it is rather confusing to locate image files in its current state.

EDIT: Maybe I should attach the images :P
EDIT 2: Well I can add only 3 images but okay.
yellowcake.png (4.5 KiB) Viewed 14239 times
FuelRod.png (596 Bytes) Viewed 14239 times
FuelRod20%.png (614 Bytes) Viewed 14239 times
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by cpy »

Those are actually nice icons.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

Skybox_ wrote:I don't want to be rude, but some of those placeholder textures are kind of annoying me.

I made some textures for people who don't like the fuel assemblies/yellowcake textures. I am planning on making some for the Uranium Hexaflourides and the Flourite. If Liquius wan'ts to put these in the actual mod then by all means go ahead.
They are looking nice. I am not particularly good with arty stuff, so feel free to plug away.
Also, Liquius, can you change the base image files so they are saved and read as "fuel-assembly1.1%" instead of "fuel-assemblyiiii." it is rather confusing to locate image files in its current state.
I might do that when I get around to adding plutonium and MOX. I originally did because I wasn't sure about the percentage increments (and I am still not sure) and if I went on to change it I wouldn't need to do so much work.

I am not quite sure about the fuel assemblies, although I can't think of a better way of doing it. Ideally it would look something like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... sembly.jpg
Filled with these
http://us.areva.com/mediatheque/libloca ... /26687.jpg
However I fear that it's too much detail for such a small icon.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

Liquius wrote:
That is the long term plan. By next week I should become a lot less busy and hopefully I will spend a decent amount of time working on this (and completely reworking the reactor).

In real life fuel assemblies generally last between 6-24 months depending on the reactor. Fresh fuel assemblies are cycled in as spent ones are cycled out and you don't replace them all at once.

It's something that I imagine they would do, but I doubt they would do it up to my level of realism/detail (still got a long way to go).
If you allow heavy water reactor, then you can burn the uraninite directly, after processing to ceramic UO2 fuel assemblies. This would immediately avoid the need to do enrichment chains to make 3.5% fuel assemblies that are super speed modules. The spent fuel from this reactor can be feed into the enrichment chains to extract plutonium to be used in another reactor. The tritium can be kept for your fusion reactor, whenever you make it.

Heavy water used for neutron moderation will need to be made, but can be done simply with what the base game already provides. Since it's not used up, only some initial energy investment from coal is needed. The same facility to make heavy water can be later used in sustaining your fusion reactor.

Edit: Yeah, this would definitely solves your problem with super speed modules. 1 unit of uraninite + some_small_unit_of_heavy_water + X_amount_of_normal_water = X_amount_of_Super_heated_water + some_small_unit_of_tritiated_water + 1 unit of spent fuel in a modified Assembly-prototype.
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Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

Fatmice wrote:If you allow heavy water reactor, then you can burn the uraninite directly, after processing to ceramic UO2 fuel assemblies. This would immediately avoid the need to do enrichment chains to make 3.5% fuel assemblies that are super speed modules. The spent fuel from this reactor can be feed into the enrichment chains to extract plutonium to be used in another reactor. The tritium can be kept for your fusion reactor, whenever you make it.

Heavy water used for neutron moderation will need to be made, but can be done simply with what the base game already provides. Since it's not used up, only some initial energy investment from coal is needed. The same facility to make heavy water can be later used in sustaining your fusion reactor.

Edit: Yeah, this would definitely solves your problem with super speed modules. 1 unit of uraninite + some_small_unit_of_heavy_water + X_amount_of_normal_water = X_amount_of_Super_heated_water + some_small_unit_of_tritiated_water + 1 unit of spent fuel in a modified Assembly-prototype.
While that could work, it's a little too simple for my taste. The current fission reactor is placeholder. What I have planned will be significantly better. I don't want to talk about it too much as my plans will inevitably change once I start working on it, but my new fission reactors should be a lot more customisable and less hacky.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

Liquius wrote: While that could work, it's a little too simple for my taste. The current fission reactor is placeholder. What I have planned will be significantly better. I don't want to talk about it too much as my plans will inevitably change once I start working on it, but my new fission reactors should be a lot more customisable and less hacky.
Great, can't wait to see it.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by slay_mithos »

I have a hard time imagining how to use up that water with just the vanilla power generation.

I mean, I am currently using 10 tier 3 steam generators from Dytech, with a single 1.9 upgrade, and it doesn't consume all of the water.
With all slots full of the top tier pellets, I can't even see how I would use all this water.

It's a nice little mod, I like it quite a bit, so thanks for the work you put into it.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by filippe999 »

Maybe add breeding reactors or a reenriching process for spent fuel? that way you don't just end up with tons of depleted pellets
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Zeeth_Kyrah »

filippe999 wrote:Maybe add breeding reactors or a reenriching process for spent fuel? that way you don't just end up with tons of depleted pellets
Yes. :) I'd love to see a breeder and reprocessing systems. Maybe even a fluid-fuel reactor with reprocessor! And then thorium wouldn't be too hard to add into the mix once fuel gets used up over time, since thorium breeds into uranium under neutron bombardment. Heck, there might be a few uses for xenon, which is what normally stops uranium fuel pellets from working since it absorbs neutrons (and is a late result of the uranium decay chain). Xenon lamps? (cheaper lighting is kinda pointless.. maybe they light up a larger area, or light up one direction instead of all around and can be aimed)
Planned projects: Energy Crystals Plus, Minor Fluid Handling, Small electric furnaces
(high-energy materials and assembler, fluid void burner and small tank, tiny and slow furnaces with charcoal)
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

slay_mithos wrote:I have a hard time imagining how to use up that water with just the vanilla power generation.

I mean, I am currently using 10 tier 3 steam generators from Dytech, with a single 1.9 upgrade, and it doesn't consume all of the water.
With all slots full of the top tier pellets, I can't even see how I would use all this water.

It's a nice little mod, I like it quite a bit, so thanks for the work you put into it.
IIRC a steam engine's maximum output is hardcoded at about 510KW, and that dytech's advanced steam engines are more efficient so they use less water.

If you want to use all that water, then build more steam engines.
filippe999 wrote:Maybe add breeding reactors or a reenriching process for spent fuel? that way you don't just end up with tons of depleted pellets
That's the plan (and what I am working on at the moment, along with a few other changes).
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Xterminator »

So I just downloaded the latest version, and when I try to launch the game it crashes and gives the error "unranium-pellete-i is not a recognized file item ID". I went in and changed the name of all the uranium pellets to not have a "-i" in them, and it still gives the error... Any idea why this is happening, and how to fix it?
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

Xterminator wrote:So I just downloaded the latest version, and when I try to launch the game it crashes and gives the error "unranium-pellete-i is not a recognized file item ID". I went in and changed the name of all the uranium pellets to not have a "-i" in them, and it still gives the error... Any idea why this is happening, and how to fix it?
Did you download the 0.3.0 zip? If so I don't know of any problems with that. However if you got 0.4.0 from github, then I would expect it to be very broken.

I should be finishing off 0.4.0 in the next few days. If you still can't get it working, then I suggest waiting until its out.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

Pushed out a new release! The biggest changes are to do with how fission reactors now work.
- You know have a choice between a small 18MW reactor (3 by 3) and a big 50MW reactor (5 by 5).
- The new reactors are boilers and not assemblers.
- Upon placing a reactor, you will receive an glorified chest and instructed to place it next to the reactor. This is where you put your fuel assemblies.
- The quantity and quality of fuel assemblies determines the energy output for the fission reactor (it inserts fuel into the boiler every 15 ticks or 0.25 seconds).

Other smaller things include;
- New graphics for icons. The text has been replaced with a bar at the bottom. This is for Uranium Hexafluoride, Uranium Oxide Pellets, and Fuel Assemblies.
uranium-hexafluoride-06.png (2.49 KiB) Viewed 15105 times
- Fuel Assemblies are no longer modules.
- A new building that pressurises water. It increases the maximum temperature of water to 275C. It allows you to eek out more energy when you can't or don't want to increase the water flow.

As far as I know, there are no possible exploits in this update.

Heres a download link
https://github.com/Liquius/UraniumPower ... p?raw=true

And heres the new graphic for fission reactors.
5-by-5-down.png (34.73 KiB) Viewed 15105 times
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by n9103 »

aww, no more +1500% speed assemblers? ;)
(Yea, I found that very odd, but enjoyable enough in non-serious play. And considering how hard it was to get the system to automate without a liquid capacity lockup, I felt justified :P)

Glad to see a change in the icon for the different enrichment steps. Lost track of which number I was setting up a number of times because I couldn't read the numbers on the input or outputs. :)
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by montieris »

Using 0.4.0
I got barrels of yellowcake and fluorine gas, how do i get hexafluoride 0.7% ?
Process in chemical factory requires hexafluoride 0.7 to create hexafluoride 0.7
Same goes for higher tier recepies.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Liquius »

montieris wrote:Hello
Using 0.4.0
I got barrels of yellowcake and fluorine gas, how do i get hexafluoride 0.7% ?
Process in chemical factory requires hexafluoride 0.7 to create hexafluoride 0.7
Same goes for higher tier recepies.

I managed to wipe that recipe from the technology list. Here is a fixed version.
https://github.com/Liquius/UraniumPower ... p?raw=true

If you want to continue with your save, then I think this is the command you need.
/c game.player.force.resettechnologies()
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power - efficient enriching layout

Post by leeknivek »

Ooh, there's a new release. I was using 0.2.0.

I'm wondering if there is an ideal layout for enriching. The way I have mine set up is 2 going forward (higher U235 count) inline with two going back. ie:

D < 0.3% <v0.7% < 1.1% < 1.5%
D < 0.3% <v0.7% < 1.1% < 1.5%
-----0.7%^> 1.1% > 1.5% > 1.9%
-----0.7%^> 1.1% > 1.5% > 1.9% etc., all the way to 3.5%

The top two rows feed back into the ones below, while sending the lower tier back left. I have a tank above each column.

But, due to the nature of this, it clogs up. Everything is 2:1, right? Or thereabouts. One 3.5% needs two 3.2%, four 2.9%, eight 2.7%, sixteen 2.3% etc etc. I don't remember what the actual values are, but basically you need 32 chemical plants making .7% into 1.1% to constantly feed 1 chemical plant making 3.5%.

I don't know how much 3.5% you actually need, I read through this whole thread and it seems not very much. I dunno. What works best??
Last edited by leeknivek on Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by Zeeth_Kyrah »

What I find is that I don't need to rush tons of uranium all at once. So I made ONE tank for each fraction (percentage level), and every chemical plant feeds from the source tank to the appropriate output tanks. I can build all the plants in a loop and then use underground pipes to loop back each fraction to its own single tank. The 0.7% fraction gets an input tank and an output tank, both pushing into the 0.7% upgrade plant. Once you do that, all you need is a place to dump depleted uranium pellets, and a place to dump maxed out pellets. The input will never clog completely since you always have an output that feeds back into its correct single place in the loop, so the only real reason to manage your plants is to reduce power usage.

And I REALLY recommend the Smart Circuit Systems mod for controlling your chemical plants. It already has smart tanks (actually a mini-sensor on a fluid pipe) and an "omni actuator" that can activate/deactivate most of the machines in the game. Connect them with smart wire and you can set a control based on how full a pipeline already is (the measure reads % full and converts that to x/1000 units), so if you've been having problems with a linear-structured uranium factory, you can make it so your pipes never clog by temporarily shutting down chemical plants that are overfilling them until there's room to continue.
Planned projects: Energy Crystals Plus, Minor Fluid Handling, Small electric furnaces
(high-energy materials and assembler, fluid void burner and small tank, tiny and slow furnaces with charcoal)
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by TehRaven »

I've sifted through all of the uhm information on this post and still haven't gotten a clear definition of how this mod works. Does the reactor output super heated steam to power engines? What are the lightning bolt items that are created by the reactor used for? I used them as fuel for the boilers but they have a fuel rating of 1MJ which is akin to firewood, so not a very appealing source of fuel. Does anyone have a picture or video showing a working reactor setup? thanks.
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Re: [0.11.x] Uranium Power

Post by leeknivek »

I should clarify, since its not that they clog from too much liquid, more along the lines of not producing fast enough to meet demand from the 2:1 ratio.

-plant one, .7%, operates twice before plant two (1.1%) can operate once.
-Plant two operates twice before plant three (1.5%) operates once.
-Plant one operates four times before plant three operates once.
I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm trying my best.

This process continues seven times, so there is an "overall" ratio of 64:32:16:8:4:2:1 in order to produce one unit of 3.5% uranium. When you consider that each level produces, in equal proportion, the next tier higher and the previous tier lower, that should? Mean that all of those ratios are halved, since they're already being produced.

This is really difficult to wrap my head around!


The reactors, as far as I can tell, are basically just boilers. They power steam engines (like in real life).
Except the amount of power they can produce is, as stated in a previous post, 30-50MW. for comparison, I have 32 steam engines run by a bank of 60-75 boilers and the most I've seen it make is 18MW. That's with 10+ water pumps feeding into tanks that then are cleaned (DyTech), boiled, and stored in I don't know how many tanks at 100 degrees. One reactor can make twice that, if maxed out.

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