[1.1.107] Desync during map load

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[1.1.107] Desync during map load

Post by cored912 »

we seem to be able to play for a few minutes and then the map tries to download and the client desyncs from the host. seems to happen no matter who the host is.
what we have tried:
verifying game files
no mods
remove autosaves
allowing firewall settings

tried to search a good bit for a solution but most issues seem to revolve around mods and we are both playing vanilla. any advice would be appreciated. thanks.
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Re: [1.1.107] Desync during map load

Post by cored912 »

the odd thing is for about 30sec to a minute we can play the game fine before one of us gets kicked. we tried again today but this issue still persists. is there somewhere else that i should post this for more visibility? thanks again for the help!
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Re: [1.1.107] Desync during map load

Post by Stringweasel »

Here is the output from the desync report analyzer. Interesting that it desyncs, it shouldn't be possible without mods.

Code: Select all

python3 -m hornwitser.factorio_tools desync desync-report-2024-04-24_01-00-48

level-heuristic differs

replace   ref[742:743] -> des[742:743]
<player name=data-dog> pos=10711
  <character name=data-dog> pos=19475
    <character-data> pos=19734
      <cyclic-frame-position> pos=20582
ref: b'\xe9\xb1sA'
<player name=data-dog> pos=10711
  <character name=data-dog> pos=19475
    <character-data> pos=19734
      <cyclic-frame-position> pos=20582
des: b'8\xb1sA'

level_with_tags.dat differs

replace   ref[498:499] -> des[498:499]
<chunk position="(7, 7)"> pos=21041526
  <character name=data-dog> pos=21048516
    <character-data> pos=21049009
      <cyclic-frame-position> pos=21050204
ref: b'\xe9\xb1sA'
<chunk position="(7, 7)"> pos=21041526
  <character name=data-dog> pos=21048516
    <character-data> pos=21049009
      <cyclic-frame-position> pos=21050204
des: b'8\xb1sA'

replace   ref[2154:2155] -> des[2154:2155]
<chunk position="(9, 9)"> pos=22141259
  <enemy-data> pos=22173708
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22174216
ref: b'\xc2\x12\xdf@'
<chunk position="(9, 9)"> pos=22141259
  <enemy-data> pos=22173708
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22174216
des: b'\xf1\x13\xdf@'

replace   ref[2326:2327] -> des[2326:2327]
<chunk position="(9, 9)"> pos=22141259
  <enemy-data> pos=22176296
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22176809
ref: b'\x8e\x9a\xcb@'
<chunk position="(9, 9)"> pos=22141259
  <enemy-data> pos=22176296
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22176809
des: b'\xa7\x9b\xcb@'

replace   ref[2462:2463] -> des[2462:2463]
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <orientation> pos=22730186
ref: b'\xf8\xc1\n?'
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <orientation> pos=22730186
des: b'\xf0\xc1\n?'

replace   ref[2466:2467] -> des[2466:2467]
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22730217
ref: b'N\x9bW?'
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <cyclic-frame-position> pos=22730217
des: b'>\x9bW?'

replace   ref[2482:2483] -> des[2482:2483]
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
ref: b"AQ\x03'\xbeM\x8d\xbf@\xcf\x1a\x851\x19\xab?"
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
des: b'\xbc\xcb\xb4\xcf\xa7M\x8d\xbf:v\xc1*1\x19\xab?'

replace   ref[2503:2504] -> des[2503:2504]
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <commandable> pos=22730582
      <wander-behavior> pos=22730661
        <movement> pos=22730906
ref: b'c}\xf6_{\xd4i?\x8c,\x94\xdd\x8d\x8c\xa9?'
<chunk position="(10, 10)"> pos=22692946
  <enemy-data> pos=22729709
    <commandable> pos=22730582
      <wander-behavior> pos=22730661
        <movement> pos=22730906
des: b'v\x930\xbd\xd4\xd4i?\x85\xd3:\x83\x8d\x8c\xa9?'
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Re: [1.1.107] Desync during map load

Post by Stringweasel »

Might be useful if you give your save file too. And the log file of your friend too. Would be interesting if you are on Windows and your friend on Switch for example.
Maybe someone who knows the game better can try reproduce this behaviour :)
Alt-F4 Author | Factorio Modder
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Re: [1.1.107] Desync during map load

Post by Genhis »

I had a brief look at the desync report and there is nothing obvious in the game code which could have caused this.

If you want to debug it further on your end, here are a few things you could try:
  • Play with a third friend as the host, find out if you both are still getting desynced.
  • Run CPU/RAM stability tests, it could be caused by faulty hardware.
  • Enable frequent auto saves, try to identify if you can get a consistent desync when loading a save after your friend desyncs.
  • There is /toggle-heavy-mode command which you can try in singleplayer. It saves and loads the game every tick and runs CRC checks. If it doesn't print any errors to chat while you play, the game shouldn't desync. Note that it could make the game slow, so it's usable only for short testing in most cases.
Which operating system do you and your friends use?
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