But this behavior is not a flaw of the game. It's not evil. Remember, the game is a (simplified) simulation of the real world physics and mechanics. If you take the example setup from the video to the real world, build similar tanks and pumps and controls, and inspect pump and fluid behavior, you will see the real world will behave the same as observed in the game. So this is a genuine game logistics challenge to solve, not some bug or flaw to overcome.Npl wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:59 pm Yeah, I am not talking about the OP, and I get why buffer tanks should be used. I talk about the tank's load not being balanced, ie. connect your wagons with a pump each and one taking alot longer to clear/fill: https://youtu.be/zJBvw28bQu0?t=1721
(the OP is about something different, by the way. It's about some detail that is not simulated correctly by the game and slightly different in the real world)