CLI for updating Factorio

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CLI for updating Factorio

Post by Hares »

Factorio CLI should provide commands for updating Factorio and/or mods

What ?
Factorio command-line interface (CLI) should provide commands for downloading update packages and/or mod updates.
I.e., the following:

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./factorio --download-update experimental --latest
./factorio --apply-update 2.0.0 --download
./factorio --update-mods --all
./factorio --download-mods "space-exploration>=0.6,Milestones"
These should respect other parameters, such as "--mod-directory".
They should also use the already-authorized user's credentials, or allow "--auth USERNAME:PASSWORD" parameter if none.
Why ?
Factorio client already has this functionality, but it is only available in the UI.
Factorio CLI supports only applying already downloaded update packages but does not provide any option to download them.

There are multiple 3rd-party scripts covering this functionality, but it would be nice to have them "from the box", here are some of them:
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Re: CLI for updating Factorio

Post by Maximus-CZ »

Oh definetly this! I came looking for solution and finding scripts from 2015 dont inspire much confidence.

Game about automation and it cant be automatically updated? Is this game even out of beta? :D
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Re: CLI for updating Factorio

Post by vinzenz »

The factorio docker image is also a great way to keep your headless server updated (by using the `stable` or `latest` tag)
bringing the oops to devops
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Re: CLI for updating Factorio

Post by porridge »

Yeah I guess we could deploy docker, but we're adding quite a bit of complexity at that point. Is that the recommended path? If so, can that be put in the wiki then?
I love this game, have gotten several people to buy it and play with me. The attention to detail and customizability is top notch. BUT. Documentation on running the server is really bad. You don't actually explain any of the command line options. There is no clear path to go from running headless server to updating to 2.0
I'm pretty savvy, but it feels like you guys are assuming an awful lot about the players.
Like, I'm sorry, what is this?
It's not explained anywhere that I can find.
Is the upgrade path a full rip and replace? I've googled quite a bit and I guess that's what I'm going to do. I hope the save is compatible.

(I'm not trying to be too contentious, but I've run quite a few dedicated servers and I'm surprised at how onerous this one is to deploy and maintain.)
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Re: CLI for updating Factorio

Post by ctgPi »

For the record, there is an

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command-line switch, but it expects a ZIP file (I haven't investigated). Is this supported/documented somewhere?

(For the record, what I have been doing for now is

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tar xf ~/Downloads/factorio-space-age_linux_2.0.10.tar.xz --strip-components=1
on the root Factorio instance directory.)
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