Solar panel : as if they do not exists

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Solar panel : as if they do not exists

Post by Artee »

I think this is a bug, but i can't create topic in the bug section.
I don't know why, but my solar panel, it is like they don't exists. They do not appear in the "production" section in eletricity dashboard. My total electricity production does not change, even after adding more than 10 solar panel, still exactly the same. They are connected, they say they are producing in day... But where does the energy goes ? I don't know, but not in my base
Any idea ?

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Re: Solar panel : as if they do not exists

Post by Loewchen »

Post the save file.

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Re: Solar panel : as if they do not exists

Post by Amarula »

You can have multiple electric networks. I would check to make sure that the solar panels are connected to your main network and not isolated in their own network. In map view there is an option to show all the power lines which you can use to check the connections.
My own personal Factorio super-power - running out of power.

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Re: Solar panel : as if they do not exists

Post by Artee »

Mea culpa... j'étais absolument persuadé que c'était sur le même réseau, mais c'étais dû à l'angle de vue d'un câble qui traversait.
Désolé pour le dérangement

[Koub] In English please next time, this is an English only forum, even for French. OK because I'm way too nice :
Mea culpa ... I was absolutely sure it was on the same network, but it was because of a passing-through cable's viewing angle.
Sorry for the trouble.
Last edited by Koub on Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: English translation

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